Distributed coordination of smart devices to mitigate intermittency of renewables for a smarter grid
Manage demand-supply imbalance in the power grid with a high degree of intermittent renewable energy (solar and wind) without using expensive batteries
Providing Virtual Energy Storage (VES) through demand manipula/on of consumer loads, while maintaining consumers' quality of service
Three innovations:
- Time-scale separation for resource allocation
- Distributed coordination without inter- agent communication by using local measurements that provide global information, such as deviation of grid frequency from 60 Hz
- Randomized control to break the complexity barrier of devices. combinatorial optimization involved in decision making for a large collection of on/off devices
Scientific Impact:
- Distributed coordination of "agents" to obtain reliable aggregate behavior that is robust to benign and malicious failures.
- Break the complexity barrier involved in a class of combinatorial optimization problems
Broader Impact:
- Integration of higher amounts of renewable energy into the grid without the use of expensive batteries
- Training of graduate and undergraduate students
- Dissemination nationally and internationally, especially to the utility Industry (OUC, FPL, EDF(France))
Creative Commons 2.5 Distributed coordination of smart devices to mitigate intermittency of renewables for a smarter grid
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