Towards Secure Large-Scale Networked Systems: Resilient Distributed Algorithms for Coordination in Networks under Cyber Attacks
Large-scale networked systems (such as the power grid, the internet, multi-robot systems, and smart cities) consist of a large number of interconnected components. To allow the entire system to function efficiently, these components must communicate with each other and use the exchanged information in order to estimate the state of the entire system and take optimal actions. However, such large-scale networked systems are also increasingly under threat from sophisticated cyber-attacks that can compromise some of the components and cause them to behave erratically or inject malicious information into the network. Existing algorithms for distributed coordination in large-scale networks are highly vulnerable to such attacks. This project will address this critical problem by creating new algorithms to enable components in large-scale networks to cooperatively take optimal actions and estimate the state of the system despite attacks on a large number of the components. The algorithms will provide provable security and performance guarantees, and identify characteristics of networks and algorithms that are vulnerable to attacks. The project will identify new ways to design networks that provide a desired level of resilience to attacks. The algorithms that arise from the research will enable the design of more secure networks and critical infrastructure that remain functional under attacks, with substantial benefits to society. In addition to the technical and scientific contributions, the project will also train students in the design of secure networked systems, and will engage the local community in central Indiana in learning about networks via interactive exhibits and workshops at the local museum.
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