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Palacio da Bolsa, Salao Arabe - R17
Rua Ferreira Borges, 40050-253 Porto, Portugal


Keynote Speakers

Bruce Krogh (CMU - USA) 
Morning Keynote
Naira Hovakimyan
(University of Illinois-UC, USA) 
Lunch Keynote
Wei Zhao
(University of Sharjah, UAE)
Afternoon Keynote


Philip Asare (Bucknell University, USA)
Invited Speaker
Roger Chamberlain 
(Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
Invited Speaker
Chris Gill
(Washington University in St. Louis, USA) 
Invited Speaker
David Corman
(National Science Foundation, USA)
Invited Speaker
Alex Cooke
(Industry, Innovation and Science, Australia)
Invited Speaker
Ed Griffor
(National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA)
Invited Speaker
Krishna Kant
(Temple University, USA)
Invited Speaker
Jose Palma-Oliveria
(University of Lisbon)
Invited Speaker
Akira Maeda
(Japan Science & Technology Agency, Japan)
Invited Speaker
Tho Nguyen (University of Virginia, USA)
Invited Speaker
Sonia Pereira
(University of Porto, Portugal)
Invited Speaker
Akshay Rajhans
(Mathworks, USA)
Invited Speaker
Armen Orujyan
(Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology, Armenia)
Invited Speaker
John Hatcliff
(Kansas State University, USA)
Invited Speaker
Bernhard Schick
(University of Applied Science Kempten, Germany)
Invited Speaker
William Suski
(Office of Naval Research Global London Office, USA)
Invited Speaker

Richard Voyles
(Purdue University, USA)
Invited Speaker

Pieter Mosterman
(Mathworks, USA)
Invited Speaker

[The program agenda will be posted soon.]

[Please see the deadline updates below!]

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have great potential to increase performance and efficiency of applications in almost all societal and industrial domains.They are expected to expand globally, and thus, will increasingly impact citizens of all nations whether as consumers or innovators. We believe this global nature of CPS should be explored for its potential to address current limitations, overcome challenges, and facilitate the more ubiquitous use of the technologies worldwide.

The purpose of this visioning workshop is to explore the potentials of global partnerships and establish international communities of interest across the spectrum of CPS applications to address challenges/limitations for the use of the technologies globally particularly in, but not limited to agriculture, energy, health, and transportation applications. We believe that all countries have a stake in the coming future of CPS and that we learn best from each other. Hence, we wish to create a forum among CPS researchers, developers, and policy makers worldwide to envision effective approaches to facilitate systematic coordination of research and education implementations and strategies, as well as sharing of data, test platforms, and information about international investments in CPS.

While many promising research outcomes have been reported, CPS still faces challenges, such as the lack of well-established, robust, and reliable engineering and scientific principles that are scalable for large and heterogeneous ensembles of cyber, human, and physical systems encountered in many CPS applications. Open test platforms that reflect realistic conditions was also recognized as a need in the report of the 2016 US-EU Summit for the comprehensive experimentation and benchmarking of the developed methodologies in terms of the expected performance, robustness, reliability, scalability, safety, and security. CPS education is another open challenge: Despite its strong potential to enhance quality of services in a variety of fields, CPS has little or no part in the research and education agendas of many developing countries, and researchers of industrialized countries are still discussing the need for education strategies that could support the interdisciplinary and societal nature of CPS. International research partnerships can bring new perspectives and approaches to address such challenges and others, by providing diverse cultural viewpoints, wider access to data, human resources, and test facilities, including opportunities for in-vivo testbeds for different CPS and related Smart and Connected Communities (S&CC) applications.

With this call, we are soliciting abstracts of position papers that are in support of this vision. The abstracts/papers should identify specific CPS challenges, topics, and applications, and propose international networking strategies that could address those limitations and advance the field. We also welcome more general discussions that address benefits of partnerships with less industrialized countries, and how to engage policy/decision makers, and/or financial institutions to overcome infrastructure challenges and support collaborations with such countries in CPS. All proposed concepts should be well-justified, supported with analysis, and preferably, with examples and previous experiences. Accepted abstracts/papers must be presented in fuller detail at the workshop on April 10, 2018, to be held during the CPS Week, in Porto, Portugal. The authors of selected papers will be considered for travel support.

Abstract Submissions:

Submissions should present unpublished original work, not exceed two pages, and should be in Pdf format. The workshop language is English.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, March 4, 2018 - Abstract submission deadline

  • Monday, March 12, 2018 Notification deadline

  • Monday, April 2, 2018 - Full papers submission deadline for posting to workshop website

  • April 10, 2018 - Workshop opens

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Program Committee Members:

  • Aleksandra Drecun (Centre for Science & Innovation; European Science Engagement Association)
  • John Baras  (UMD)
  • Chris Gill (WUSL)
  • Bruce Krogh (CMU)
  • Insup Lee (U Penn)
  • Tho Ngyuen (UVA)
  • Wei Zhao (American Univeristy of Sharjah - United Arab Emirates)
  • Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt)

Presentations should be submitted at:

Additional questions can be submitted via email to Seta Bogosyan ( using the title "CPS Week-abstract-author last name", in the subject line.