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Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization
Read-only archive of site from September 29, 2023.
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Enabled Online Quality Assurance for Scalable Additive Bio-Manufacturing
Submitted by Zhenyu Kong on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 3:57pm
Project Details
Lead PI:
Zhenyu Kong
Haibo Zeng
Blake Johnson
Performance Period:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
National Science Foundation
Award Number:
739 Reads. Placed 537 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Close to one million lives could be saved each year in the United States alone by organ transplantation if a sufficient number of organs were available, potentially preventing 35% of all deaths in the nation. In contrast, due to critical shortages of organs, only about 28,000 organ transplants are performed each year, with a waiting list of 120,000 people. A promising potential solution to this shortage is the high quality and production-scale 3D printing of human organs by bio-additive manufacturing (Bio-AM). However, as articulated in the 2016 NSF workshop on Additive Manufacturing for Healthcare, the current use of Bio-AM is impeded by poor organ quality, resulting in part from inadequate process monitoring and lack of integrated process control strategies. As a result, despite enormous strides, it is still not possible to scale Bio-AM to the stringent quality standards mandated for organ transplants. This research will address the compelling need to incorporate advanced process models into sensor-based process control strategies needed to prevent cell damage, decrease cell placement errors, and improve tissue functioning in Bio-AM. If successful methods for reliable, high-volume, high-quality, and safe Bio-AM can be realized, it will have profound socioeconomic benefits in terms of public health, medical safety, and drug discovery. The project will engage grade 6-12 STEM teachers through the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Innovation-based Manufacturing Program by providing opportunities for teachers to engage in cutting edge research in Bio-AM. The goal of the project is to reliably produce viable 3D printed biological constructs (mini-tissues). The central approach is to couple in-situ heterogeneous sensor-based monitoring and real-time closed-loop process control approaches for ensuring the reliable printing of biological constructs. The work involves the following four objectives: (1) using experimentation and modeling to understand the causal effect of process-material interactions on specific Bio-AM defects, (2) employing sensors to detect incipient defects during printing, (3) diagnosing the root causes of detected defects by analyzing sensor data using real-time decision-theoretic models, and (4) preventing propagation of defects through closed-loop process control. The investigation will contribute: (1) fundamental understanding of the causal bio-physical process interactions that govern the quality of printed biological tissue constructs through empirical investigation and sensor-based data analytics, (2) new mathematical models for predicting the layer quality by taking into consideration the complex and dynamic tissue maturation phenomena, (3) real-time and computationally efficient decision-making for accurate classification of defects from sensor data, and (4) a two-stage, real-time, closed-loop quality control approach for preventing propagation of defects by executing smart corrective actions during the printing process.
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