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16th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN 2018)

July 3, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain |

The 16th Real-Time Networks (RTN) 2018 is a satellite workshop of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018), the premier European venue for presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems.

The RTN workshop is the sixteen in the series of workshops that started at the 2002 ECRTS conference. No edition took however place in 2015. To continue a new series of workshops, RTN 2018 focuses on the real-time aspects of the new IEEE standards for Time-Sensitive Networking. Besides, accepted papers will be published in SIGBED Review unless authors explicitly refuse in order to keep material for a later publication in a conference or journal.

The RTN workshop provides a relaxed forum for both industrial and academic participants to present and discuss new ideas, new research directions and to review current trends in the area of real-time networks and NoC. Schedule will provide significant time for discussions among the attendees.

The RTN workshop seeking regular research paper or position paper that should not exceed 6 pages.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Real-time network on chips (NoC)
  • Real-time Software Defined Networks (SDN)
  • Real-time message scheduling and mapping over off and on-chip networks (TSN, Ethernet, CAN, FlexRay, NoC, etc.)
  • Real-time applications (automotive, aerospace, multimedia, etc.): implementation, experimentation and evaluation
  • Performance evaluation, simulation and modeling tools of real-time networks (automotive, aerospace, multimedia, etc.)
  • Real-time aspects of networked embedded systems and sensors, cyber-physical systems, internet of things
  • Real-time network management and time synchronization
  • Real-time aspects of Wireless technologies and Sensor Networks (WSNs) and applications

Focus of the 2018 Edition

To continue a new series of workshops, RTN 2018 focuses on the real-time aspects of the new IEEE standards for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). Besides, accepted papers will be published in ACM SIGBED Review unless authors explicitly refuse in order to submit their work to a conference or journal.

A keynote on Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) will be given by Wilfried Steiner from TTTech!


  • Paper submission deadline: 17th April 2018
  • Notification of acceptance: 8th May 2018
  • Submission of camera-ready papers: 22nd May 2018
  • Workshop: 3rd July 2018

Submission of papers

All papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee and should be written in English.

All accepted papers will be published in the ACM SIGBED Review Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems unless authors explicitly refuse in order to keep material for a later publication in a conference or journal. By accepting that papers are published in the ACM SIGBED Review, authors give permission to publish and include the papers in ACM Digital Library.

Papers should not exceed 6 pages in ACM SIG format, see Link to ACM SIG format.

Research papers should present original research results not published or submitted for publication in other forums. Authors of accepted papers agree to attend the workshop and to present their work during the workshop.

The submission must be done through EasyChair at:


- Ramon Serna Oliver, TTTech, Austria
- Mathieu Jan, CEA LIST, France


- Julian Proenza, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
- Jean-Luc Scharbarg, University of Toulouse - IRIT - INP/ENSEEIHT, France
- Borislav Nikolic, IDA, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Ye-Qiong Song, LORIA - University of Lorraine, France
- Leandro Indrusiak, University of York, England
- LuisAlmeida, University of Porto, Portugal
- JorgMische, University of Augsburg, Germany
- Frederic Ridouard, LIAS/ENSMA, France
- PaulPop, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- AhlemMifdaoui, University of Toulouse / ISAE, France