CyPhy'17 and WESE'17 -- Call for Post-Workshop Papers
Cyber physical systems (CPSs) combine computing and networking power with physical components. They enable innovation in a wide range of domains including robotics; smart homes, vehicles, and buildings; medical implants; and future-generation sensor networks.
We solicit research papers for inclusion in the post-proceeding of the 2017 workshop on the Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyPhy'17,
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following aspects of cyber-physical systems.
- Foundations: models of computation, modeling and simulation languages for hybrid and cyber-physical systems, including hybrid automata and hybrid process theory, as well as other integrations of control-theoretic and discrete-event models;
- Methods: Specifications and evaluation of processes for rigorous modeling, testing, simulation, and verification of new cyber-physical systems;
- Case studies: Development of industrial or research-oriented cyber-physical systems in domains such as robotics, smart systems (homes, vehicles, buildings), medical and healthcare devices, future generation networks;
- Pedagogy and Eduction: design, research, and experiences in embedded and cyber-physical systems education; and
- Tools: Evaluation of novel research tools, comparisons of state of the art tools in industrial practice.
- The papers will be peer-reviewed by the combined program committees of CyPhy17 and WESE17 (Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education), and accepted papers will be included in the CyPhy17 post proceeding in a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, by Springer.
Submission Types
This call is soliciting the following submission types.
- research papers (max. 15 pages);
- position papers (max. 4 pages); and
- tool demonstrations (max. 10 pages).
Research papers will be judged for technical novelty and scientific merit. Any previous publication in any form must be explicitly identified and cited on the first page of the submission. Papers in the other two categories will be judged on novelty, clarity, accessibility, and suitability.
Important Dates
- Full paper submission deadline: January 31, 2018
- Notification: February 28, 2018
General Chair
- Walid Taha, Halmstad University and University of Houston
Program Chairs
- William L. Harrison, University of Missouri
- Pavithra Prabhakar, Kansas State University
Program Committee (CyPhy17 + WESE17)
- Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto, ENSTA ParisTech
- Jakob Axelsson, Malardalen University
- Christian Berger, Chalmers and University of Gothenburg
- Manuela Bujorianu, Leicester University
- Thao Dang, Verimag, France
- Georgios Fainekos, Arizona State University
- Martin Fr%0nzle, University of Oldenburg
- Laurent Fribourg, CNRS
- Antoine Girard, CNRS
- Scott Hissam, Carnegie Mellon University
- Daisuke Ishii, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Mehdi Kargahi, University of Tehran
- Zhiyun Lin, Zhejiang University
- Nacim Meslem, Grenoble INP
- Wojciech Mostowski, Halmstad University
- Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Halmstad University
- Tarek Raissi, CNAM
- Nacim Ramdani, University of Orleans
- Andreas Rauh, University of Rostock
- Michel Reniers, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH University Aachen
- Christoph Seidl, TU Braunschweig
- Christoffer Sloth, Aalborg University
- Jack Stankovic, University of Virginia
- Martin Steffen, Oslo University
- Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg University
- Hugo Andrade, National Instruments
- Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania
- Saddek Bensalem, University of Grenoble
- David Broman, UC Berkeley & KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Daniela Cancila, Commissariat `a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
- Janette Cardoso, Institut SupErieur de l'AEronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)
- Alex Dean, North Carolina State University
- Martin Grimheden, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University
- Peter Marwedel, TU Dortmund
- Jogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Falk Salewski, Muenster University of Applied Sciences
- Bernhard Schatz, TU Munich & Fortiss
- Erwin Schoitsch, Austrian Institute of Technology
- Walid Taha, Halmstad University & Rice University
- Martin Torngren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Shiao-Li Tsao, National Chiao Tung University
- Jon Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology
Advisory Committee
- Manfred Broy, Technische Universitat Munchen
- Karl Henrik Johansson, Royal Institute of Technology
- Karl Iagnemma, MIT
- Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania
- Pieter Mosterman, McGill University
- Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt University