Background of Societal Dimensions of Emerging Technologies; Introduction to Drones and Connected Vehicles
Background of Societal Dimensions of Emerging Technologies; Introduction to Drones and Connected Vehicles
Slides | Lecture Video
Abstract: This lecture provides an introduction to ELSI (ethical, legal, and societal implications) of emerging technologies, with an emphasis on four main dimensions: privacy, security in the sense of vulnerability to criminal and terrorist events, health and environment, and equity (social inequality and fairness). These dimensions can include benefits as well as risks. It outlines the structure of research under the PIRE grant from this perspective, with four ELSI dimensions in the U.S. and four in the E.U. across three technology areas (drones, connected vehicles, and transactive energy). Hess then discusses the four ELSI dimensions from a U.S. perspective for traffic management of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and for connected vehicles.
- Transactive Energy
- Connected Vehicles
- UAVs
Please see the transactive energy unit for the slides, lecture video, and bibliography.
II. Connected Vehicles
A. General Background Papers and Social Science
- Bertoncello, Michele, & Dominik Wee. 2015. Ten ways autonomous driving could redefine the automotive world. McKinsey & Co. - V. Buscher, L. Doody, M. Webb, C. 2014. Urban Mobility in the Smart City Age. Schneider Electric, Arup and The Climate Group, London.
- Clerkin, Bridget, 2017. Autonomous cars, big data, and the post-privacy world.
- Dochery, Iain, Greg marsden, Jillian Anable. 2017. The governance of smart mobility. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. In press.
- Fagnant, Daniel, and Kara Kockelman. 2015. Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: barriers and policy recommendations. Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice 77: 167-181.
- Fraedrich, Eva, Sven Beiker, Barbara Lenz. 2015. Transition pathways to fully automated driving and its implications for the sociotechnical system of automobility. European Journal of Futures Research 3: 11.
- Greenblatt, J. B., & Saxena, S. (2015). Autonomous taxis could greatly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions of US light-duty vehicles. Nature Climate Change, 5(September), 860-863.
- Levin, M. W., & Boyles, S. D. (2015). Effects of autonomous vehicle ownership on trip, mode, and route choice. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2493, 29-38
- Masterson, S., 2015. "The Sharing Economy: How Shared Self-Driving Cars Could Change City Traffic" OECD Insights May 2015. <>
- Milakis, Dimitris, Bart van Arem, Bert van Wee. 2017. Policy and society related implications of automated driving: a review of literature and directions for future research. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 21(4): 324-348.
- Mladenovic, M. N., & McPherson, T. (2016). Engineering social justice into traffic control for Self-Driving vehicles?. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22, 1131-1149.
- Petit, J., & Shladover, S. E. (2015). Potential Cyberattacks on Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(2), 546-556.
- Thomopoulos, Nikolas, Moshe Givoni. 2015. The autonomous car--a blessing or a curse for the future of low carbon mobility? An exploration of likely vs. desirable outcomes. European Journal of Futures Research 3: 14.
- Wadud, Z., MacKenzie, D., & Leiby, P. (2016). Help or hindrance? The travel, energy and carbon impacts of highly automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 86, 1-18.
- Yap, M. D., Correia, G., & van Arem, B. (2016). Preferences of travellers for using automated vehicles as last mile public transport of multimodal train trips. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 1-1.
- Zakharenko, R. (2016). Self-Driving cars will change cities. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 61, 26-37.
- Zhang, W., Guhathakurta, S., Fang, J., & Zhang, G. (2015). Exploring the impact of shared autonomous vehicles on urban parking demand: An agent-based simulation approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 19, 34-45.
- Adams, Ian. 2016. The New Federal Safety Guidelines for Self-Driving Cars Are Too Vague...And States Are Already Making Them Mandatory, TECHDIRT (Oct. 14, 2016, 1:11 PM), [ BAQP]
- Balough, Cheryl, & Richard C. Balough, Cyberterrorism on Wheels: Are Today's Cars Vulnerable to Attack?, AM.BAR ASS'N:BUS.L.TODAY Nov. 2, 2013), [].
- Browne, Brian. 2017. Self-driving cars: on the road to a new regulatory era. Case We Res J L Tech & internet 8: 1.
- EPIC. The Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and the Privacy of Your State Motor Vehicle Record, EPIC,, Anthony. 2017. Autonomous Cars: Navigating the Patchwork of Data Privacy Laws That Could Impact the Industry, 25Cath. U. J. L. &Tech(2017). Available at:
- Kohler, William, and Alex Colbert-Taylor, Current Law and Potential Legal Issues Pertaining to Automated, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, 31 Santa Clara High Tech. L.J. 99 (2015). Available at:
- Lee, Chasal. 2017. Grabbing the wheel early: moving forward on cybersecurity and privacy protections for driverless cars. Fed Comm Law J 69: 27-52.
- Thomson, Judith Jarvis, The Trolley Problem, 94 YALE L.J.1395, 1395 (1985) Weiner, Gabriel, & Bryant Walker. Smith,Automated Driving: Legislative and Regulatory Action. Center for Internet and Society. (last updated Sept. 8, 2016)
- Wing, Christopher (2016) "Better Keep Your Hands on the Wheel in That Autonomous Car:Examining Society's Need to Navigate the Cybersecurity Roadblocks for Intelligent Vehicles," Hofstra Law Review: Vol. 45 : Iss. 2 , Article 14.Available at:
- National Conference of State Legislatures. 2016. Self-Driving Vehicles Legislation, []
- Federal Trade Commission. 2017. Connected cars workshop.
- Geolocational Privacy and Surveillance Act, S. 395, 115th Cong. (2017);
- Geolocational Privacy and Surveillance Act, H.R. 1062, 115th Cong. (2017)
- Institute of Enginering and Technology. 2014. Automative cybersecurity: An IET/KTN thought leadership review of risk perspectives for connected vehicles. 12. []
- Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative, ITU(July 2015),
- Markey, Senator Edward J. 2013. Letter to Auto Industry Executives (Dec. 2, 2013), available at
- NAT'L HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMIN., U.S. DEP'T OF TRANSP., PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF POLICY CONCERNING AUTOMATED VEHICLES 1 (2013) available at; Press Release, NHTSA 14-13, U.S. Department of Transportation Releases Policy on Automated Vehicle Development, NHTSA (May 30, 2013), - US Government Accountability Office. 2013. In-car location-based services; companies are taking steps to protect privacy, but some risks may not be clear to consumers. GAO-14-81. [There are other GAO documents.]
A. General Background Studies and Social Science
- Bennet, Wells C. 2014. Civilian Drones, Privacy, and the Federal-State Balance. Brookings Institute. Available at
- Bracken-Roche, Ciara. 2016. "Domestic drones: the politics of verticality and the surveillance industrial complex." Geographica Helvetica 71: 167-172.
- Choi-Fitzpatrick, Austin. 2014. "Drones for Good: Technological Innovations, Social Movements, and the State." Journal of International Affairs 68(1) Fall/Winter: 19-36
- Clarke, Roger. 2014. "Understanding the drone epidemic." Computer Law and Security Review 30: 230-246.
- Overington, Caitlin and Thao Phan. 2016. "Domesticating Drone Technologies: Commercialisation, Banalisation, and Reconfiguring 'Ways of Seeing.'" Chapter 8 (p. 147-165) in Security, Race, Biopower: Essays on Technology and Corporeality edited by Holly Randell-Moon and Ryan Tippet.
- Sandbrook, Chris. 2015. "The social implications of using drones for biodiversity conservation." Ambio 44(Suppl. 4): S636-S647. London: Palgrave Macmillan
- Volovelsky, Uri. 2014. "Civilian uses of unmanned aerial vehicles and the threat to the right to privacy--An Israeli case study." Computer Law and Security Review 30: 306-320.
- Wall, Tyler and Torin Monahan. 2011. "Surveillance and violence from afar: The politics of drones and liminal security-scapes." Theoretical Criminology 15(3): 239-254.
- Wong, Richmond Y. and Deirdre K. Mulligan. (2016). "These aren't the autonomous drones you're looking for: Investigating privacy concerns through concept videos." Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5(3): 26-54.
- [Book] Zavrsnik, Ales. Editor. 2015. Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for Security and Surveillance. New York: Springer.
- About Amazon: Amazon Prime Air:
BBC News. Dec. 2, 2013. "Amazon testing drones for deliveries." York Times. Aug. 10, 2016. "Think Amazon's Drone Delivery Idea is a Gimmick? Think Again.
- Calo, Ryan M. 2011. "The Drone as Privacy Catalyst." Stanford Law Review Online 64: 29-33.
- Cho, George. (2013). "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Emerging Policy and Regulatory Issues." Journal of Law, Information and Science 22(2): 201-236.
- Clarke, Roger and Lyria Bennett Moses. 2014. "The regulation of civilian drones' impacts on public safety." Computer Law and Security Review 30: 263-285.
- Clarke, Roger. 2014. "The regulation of civilian drones' impacts on behavioural privacy." Computer Law & Security Review 30: 286-305.
- Schlag, Chris. 2013. "The New Privacy Battle: How the Expanding Use of Drones Continues to Erode our Concept of Privacy and Privacy Rights." Journal of Technology Law & Policy XIII: 1-22.
- Takahashi, Timothy T. (2012). "Drones and Privacy." The Columbia Science & Technology Law Review XIV (Fall): 72-114.
- Federal Aviation Administration:
- Homeland Security.
- National Conference of State Legislatures. Current Unmanned Aircraft State Law Landscape.
- Rand Corporation.
- U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
- Canada: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Bracken-Roche, Ciara, David Lyon, Mark James Mansour, Adam Molnar, Alana Saulnier, and Scott Thompson. (2014). "Surveillance Drones: Privacy implications of the spread of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Canada." Available at:
- Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Ontario, Canada. Cavoukian, Ann. 2012. Privacy and Drones: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada. Available at: