Visible to the public CALL FOR PROPOSALS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2018)Conflict Detection Enabled

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International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2018)

September 30 - October 5, 2018, Torino, Italy

The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hardware/software implementations. The conference is a forum bringing together academic research and industrial practice for all aspects related to system-level and hardware/software co-design. High-quality original papers will be accepted for oral presentation followed by interactive poster sessions. A special IoT Day will be jointly organized by the conferences in ESWEEK. Articles aligned to the topics of interest for CODES+ISSS, with distinct focus on IoT platforms, wearables and other small form-factor devices are most welcome.


  • Workshop Proposals: March 27, 2018
  • Tutorial Proposals: April 3, 2018

Topics of Interests / Tracks

Track 1) System-level design
Specification, modelling, refinement, system synthesis, partitioning,
hardware- software co-design, design space exploration, hybrid system modelling and design, model-based design, and design for adaptivity and reconfigurability.

Track 2) Domain and application-specific design Analysis, design, and optimization techniques for multimedia, medical, automotive, cyber-physical, and other specialized application domains.

Track 3) Embedded software
Language and library support, compilers, runtimes, parallelization, software verification, memory and resource management, virtual machines, operating systems, real-time support, and middleware.

Track 4) Safety, security and reliability Cross-layer reliability, resilience and fault tolerance, test methodology, design for testability, hardware and software security, security for embedded and IoT devices, and cyber-physical system security.

Track 5) Simulation, validation and verification Hardware/software co-simulation, verification and validation methodologies, formal verification, hardware-accelerated simulation, simulation and verification languages, models and benchmarks.

Track 6) System architecture
Heterogeneous systems, many-cores, networked and distributed systems.
architecture and micro-architecture design, exploration and optimization including application-specific processors, reconfigurable architectures, storage, memory and communication systems, and networks-on-chip.

Track 7) Power-aware systems
Power- and energy aware system design and methodologies ranging from low-power embedded and cyber-physical systems to energy-efficient large-scale systems such as cloud datacenters, green IT and smart grid.

Track 8) Industrial practices and case studies Practical impact on current and/or future industries, application of state-of-the-art methodologies and tools in various application areas including wireless, networking, multimedia, automotive, cyber-physical, medical systems, etc.

CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:
Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University, US Sudeep Pasricha, Colorado State University, US

ESWEEK General Chairs:
Soonhoi Ha, Seoul National University, KR Petru Eles, Linkoping University, SE