Deadline Approaching: 26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2018)
CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline Approaching
26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2018)
Poitiers, France | October 10-12, 2018 |
RTNS (Real-Time Networks and Systems) is a friendly and inclusive conference with a great sense of community that presents excellent opportunities for collaboration. Original unpublished papers on all aspects of real-time systems and networks are welcome. RTNS covers a wide-spectrum of topics in real-time and embedded systems, including, but not limited to:
- Real-time applications design and evaluation: automotive, avionics, space, railways, telecommunications, process control, multimedia.
- Real-time aspects of emerging smart systems: cyber-physical systems and emerging applications, real-time big data, real-time edge/fog and cloud computing.
- Real-time system design and analysis: real-time tasks modeling task/message scheduling, evaluation, mixed-criticality systems, Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis, quality of service, security.
- Software technologies for real-time systems: model-driven engineering, programming languages, compilers, WCET-aware compilation and parallelization strategies, middleware, Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS), hypervisors.
- Formal specification and verification: application of formal models, such as model checking, satisfiability modulo theories or constraint programming, to solve real-time problems.
- Real-time distributed systems: fault tolerance, time synchronization, task/messages allocation, adaptability and reconfiguration, publisher/subscriber protocols, distributed real time database.
- Real-time networks: Networks on Chip (NoC), Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), end-to-end latency analysis, wired and wireless communication networks, fieldbuses, networked control systems, sensor networks.
- Hardware support for real-time systems: hardware/software co-design, power/temperature-aware techniques, design of predictable hardware, multi-core and many-core platforms, hardware accelerators, cache related issues, interconnect and memory.
Important dates
- Submission (firm) deadline: 26th of June 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Notification to authors: 3rd of August 2018
- Early registration deadline: TBA
- Camera ready paper due: 7th of September 2018
- Conference: 10 - 12 of October 2018
Authors are invited to submit English-language research and application papers representing original, previously unpublished work. Duplicate submissions are not allowed.
Submissions are limited to maximum 10 pages for technical content and up to two for bibliography and acknowledgments in a font no smaller than 10 points and must conform to ACM Latex style.
The templates can be found here: . You need to use the sigconf format. If you have any problems with the templates, please contact ACM's TeX support team at Aptara ( ). Note that if you paper is accepted, your will need to provide the PDF of your paper but also all source files used to generate the PDF file. This is requested by ACM ICPS.
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. All accepted papers will be published in ACM ICPS. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
A selection of the best papers will be identified as outstanding papers; the authors of these papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the Springer Real-Time Systems journal.
Authors submitting a paper to RTNS confirm that neither the paper, nor a version of it, is under submission elsewhere nor will be submitted elsewhere before notification by RTNS, and that if the paper is accepted, at least one author will register by the special registration deadline, and present the paper at the conference.
Papers must be submitted as a single PDF document, via the Easychair system. Use the easychair submission website.
Submission (firm) deadline: 26th of June 2018 (23:59 UTC-12).
Program Chairs
- Mathieu Jan, CEA LIST, France
- Moris Behnam, Malardalen University, Sweden
For any questions, concerns or comments, please contact the chair