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CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended Deadline Thursday 27th Sept 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)

39th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2018)

December 11-14, 2018 | Nashville, TN |


The IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) is the premier conference in the field of real-time systems, presenting innovations with respect to both theory and practice. RTSS provides a forum for the presentation of high-quality, original research covering all aspects of real-time systems, including theory, design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and experience. RTSS'18 continues the trend of making RTSS an expansive and inclusive symposium, looking to embrace new and emerging areas of real-time systems research.

RTSS 2018 is hosting three workshops

All the workshops share the same timeline :

  • Thurs 20th Sept 2018 Thursday 27th Sept 2018 (23:59 UTC-12) - Workshop Papers Extended Submission Deadline
  • Fri 19th Oct 2018 - Workshop Papers Notification of Acceptance
  • Fri 2nd Nov 2018 - Workshop Papers Camera Ready Deadline
  • Tues 11th Dec 2018 - Workshops

RTSS'18 welcomes submissions in all areas of real-time systems research, including but not limited to operating systems, networks, middleware, compilers, tools, modelling, scheduling, QoS support, resource management, testing and debugging, design and verification, hardware/software co-design, fault tolerance, security, power and thermal management, embedded platforms, and system experimentation and deployment experiences.

In addition to the main real-time track (Track 1), submissions are also welcomed in the specialized areas of Cyber-Physical Systems, HW-SW integration and system level design, and Internet of Things (IoT). Together, these specialized areas comprise the CPS/HW-SW integration/IoT track (Track 2). To be in scope, all submissions must address some form of real-time requirements. Details of the tracks can be found below.

All accepted papers will appear in the main program and proceedings. A selection of papers will receive recognition as outstanding papers, and will be highlighted as such in the proceedings. Best paper and best student paper awards will be presented at the conference, along with an award for the best presentation. Authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue of a journal.


The objective of this track is to promote research on new and emerging topics of real-time systems research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following: operating systems, networks, middleware, compilers, tools, scheduling, QoS support, resource management, testing and debugging, design and verification, modelling, WCET analysis, performance analysis, fault tolerance, security, power and thermal management, embedded platforms, and system experimentation and deployment experiences. To be in scope, submissions must address some form of real-time requirements.


This track comprises three specialized areas:

Cyber-Physical Systems

As computation and communication elements become faster, cheaper, smaller and more pervasive, they are being increasingly embedded in physical world structures. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems whose operations are controlled, coordinated and monitored by such computing and communication elements. The objective is to realize new systems with unprecedented capabilities. Applications of CPS can be found in diverse, yet critical, areas such as transportation (automobiles, avionics, space vehicles, railways, unmanned vehicles, etc.), critical infrastructures (power grids, smart buildings and cities, bridges, etc.), healthcare (medical devices, healthcare management networks, tele-medicine, remote surgery and even implantable and biomedical devices) and industrial control (manufacturing plants, power plants, etc.). Many applications in the CPS domain possess real-time requirements. Papers are welcomed that identify scientific foundations and technologies that advance the state-of-the-art for cyber-physical systems. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to), new theories for CPS, design methods, simulation/emulation for CPS, tools chains, CPS architectures, security and privacy, hardware/software composition that include the physical components, analysis techniques and tools especially those with multiple temporal and spatial scales, performance analysis, robustness and safety. To be in scope, all submissions must address some form of real-time requirements.

HW-SW Integration and System Level Design

This area focuses on design methodologies and tools for hardware/software integration and co-design of modern embedded systems for real-time applications. Such systems are increasingly complex and heterogeneous, both in terms of architectures and applications they need to support, so new approaches aimed at their efficient design and optimization are in great demand. General topics include various architecture and software-related issues of embedded systems design which include (but are not limited to) architecture description languages and tools, hardware architectures, design space exploration, synthesis and optimization. Of special interest are SoC design for real-time applications, special-purpose functional units, specialized memory structures, multi-core chips and communication aspects, FPGA simulation and prototyping, software simulation and compilation for novel architectures and applications, as well as power, timing and predictability analyses. To be in scope, all submissions must address some form of real-time requirements.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The proliferation of smart devices that unify sensing and communication with distributed computation and can be closely integrated into the surrounding environments has recently stimulated the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT), which has a wide range of applications including infrastructure monitoring (railways and bridges, electric grids, water management), smart city development (transportation and traffic control, emergency response and medical care) and industrial automation. Grand challenges include extremely constrained resources (energy supply, storage and computational power) in IoT devices, unprecedented scalability requirements as well as uncertain dynamics in their operating environments. Submissions are welcomed that build on solid theoretical foundations, present empirical development, and experimental evaluations for empowering IoT applications. Of special interest is research addressing aspects of scalability, interoperability, uncertainty, reliability, security, power management, energy scavenging, architectures, operating systems, middleware & programming abstractions, protocols, modelling, analysis and performance evaluation. To be in scope, all submissions must address some form of real-time requirements.

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline (FIRM): Thurs 31st May 2018 23:59 UTC-12
  • Rebuttal period: Mon 16th - Fri 20th July 2018
  • PC Meetings: Fri 27th July 2018
  • Notifications: Fri 3rd August 2018
  • Camera Ready: Fri 21st Sept 2018 (tentative)
  • Workshops: Tues 11th Dec 2018
  • Conference: Weds 12th - Fri 14th Dec 2018


Submitted papers must describe original work not previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. The main body of each submitted paper is limited to 10 pages of technical content with additional pages permitted for the bibliography and acknowledgments only. Additionally, each submission may include an optional appendix with supplemental material that may be read at the discretion of the program committee; this appendix is limited to two pages (for up to 12 pages in total of technical content, i.e., content not including the bibliography and acknowledgements). Authors of accepted papers that exceed 10 pages of technical content (due to the inclusion of an optional appendix) may be required to pay a fee for each page of technical content beyond the tenth. Submissions (including the optional appendix) must be formatted according to IEEE conference paper guidelines.

Authors are advised to format their papers so that the case for acceptance is made clear in the main body of the paper (i.e., within the first 10 pages). The optional appendix can be used to provide additional performance graphs or to provide more detailed versions of proofs that are sketched in the main body of the paper.

Papers that are based on previous work presented in a workshop with no digital object identifier (DOI) are eligible for submission. Papers based on a workshop publication with a DOI are eligible for submission, provided they contain at least 30% new material.

Before submitting your paper, please ensure that you read the Author FAQs. Authors' names must appear on all submissions. All submissions will be checked using IEEE CrossCheck plagiarism detection software (iThenticate) and authors' names checked against the IEEE Prohibited Authors List.



Robert I. Davis, University of York, UK and Inria, France


Isabelle Puaut, University of Rennes/IRISA, France


Chenyang Lu, Washington University St. Louis, USA


Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, USA


Tulika Mitra, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Inria Paris, France


Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA


Harini Ramaprasad, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA