CfP: 7th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (FMIS 2018) 

7th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (FMIS 2018)
Affiliated Workshop of STAF 2018
June 25-26 | Toulouse, France |
Reducing the likelihood of faults and failures in the development and in the use of interactive systems becomes a more and more inescapable necessity.: Indeed the use of such systems is becoming widespread in applications that demand high dependability due to usability, safety or, security requirements while taking into account additional considerations such as User Experience or Learnability. Interactive systems make use of more and more sophisticated electronic devices and are made up by multiple hardware and software components. These systems are in fact large artifacts that are also becoming increasingly ubiquitous and being used in new and more complex situations.
Consequently, the use of formal methods in providing some assurance on the dependability of interactive systems should take into account the wider socio-technical system. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in computer science, human factors, and other areas of HCI, from both academia and industry, who are interested in both formal methods and interactive system design and development.
Submitted papers should address issues of how formal methods can be applied to interactive system design. We also welcome papers with a focus on theory provided a link to interactive systems is made explicit. Application areas considered include but are not limited to:
- mobile devices
- embedded systems
- safety-critical systems
- high-reliability systems
- shared control systems
- digital libraries
- eGovernment
- pervasive systems
- ubiquitous computing
- computer security applications
In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits two types of submissions - regular papers and short papers:
- Regular paper submissions must be original work, and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Regular paper submission must not exceed 16 pages.
- Short paper submissions on recent or ongoing work on relevant topics and ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. The (extended) abstract of presentation submissions should not exceed 4 pages.
Both accepted full papers and short papers will be published in a volume of Springer's LNCS series.
Publication of an extended version of a selection of the papers in a journal special issue is also under consideration.
Submission Instructions
Submitted papers must follow the LNCS format (cf. Springer's LNCS site).
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: March 15, 2018
- Submission deadline: April 6, 2018
- Notification: May 8, 2018
- Workshop: June 25-26, 2018
Submission link:
Submissions to the workshop must not have been published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the workshop.
For more information email: