Visible to the public Object Tracking Using Modified Lossy Extended Kalman Filter

TitleObject Tracking Using Modified Lossy Extended Kalman Filter
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAlimadadi, Mohammadreza, Stojanovic, Milica, Closas, Pau
Conference NameProceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems
Date PublishedNovember 2017
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5561-2
Keywordsadaptive filtering, adaptive rate control, Kalman filter, Metrics, object tracking, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Wireless Sensor Network

We address the problem of object tracking in an underwater acoustic sensor network in which distributed nodes measure the strength of field generated by moving objects, encode the measurements into digital data packets, and transmit the packets to a fusion center in a random access manner. We allow for imperfect communication links, where information packets may be lost due to noise and collisions. The packets that are received correctly are used to estimate the objects' trajectories by employing an extended Kalman Filter, where provisions are made to accommodate a randomly changing number of obseravtions in each iteration. An adaptive rate control scheme is additionally applied to instruct the sensor nodes on how to adjust their transmission rate so as to improve the location estimation accuracy and the energy efficiency of the system. By focusing explicitly on the objects' locations, rather than working with a pre-specified grid of potential locations, we resolve the spatial quantization issues associated with sparse identification methods. Finally, we extend the method to address the possibility of objects entering and departing the observation area, thus improving the scalability of the system and relaxing the requirement for accurate knowledge of the objects' initial locations. Performance is analyzed in terms of the mean-squared localization error and the trade-offs imposed by the limited communication bandwidth.

Citation Keyalimadadi_object_2017