Special journal issue on "Challenges and Directions Forward for Dealing with the Complexity of Future Smart Cyber–Physical Syste
A key aspect of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is their potential for integrating information technologies, operational technologies (in terms of embedded systems and control systems), and physical systems, to form new or improved functionalities. CPS, thus, draws upon advances in many areas.
In embarking towards CPS with such unprecedented capabilities it becomes essential to improve our understanding of CPS complexity and how we can deal with it. Complexity has many facets including complexity of the CPS itself, of the environments in which the CPS acts, and in terms of the organizations
and supporting tools that develop, operate and maintain CPS.
The primary objective of this Special Issue is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange their latest achievements and to identify critical issues, challenges, opportunities and future directions for how to deal with the complexity of future CPS.
Contributions covering methods, tools, architectures, foundational aspects as well as organizational and other complexity related aspects are welcomed!
Submission Instructions:
- We seek manuscripts reporting original research that are not submitted elsewhere for publication.
- Instructions for authors are found here: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/designs/instructions
- All papers will be peer-reviewed.
- Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted after any revisions) and will be listed together on the special issue website.
- The final deadline for submitting papers is August 31st 2018.
Further information about the call can be found here: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/designs/special_issues/cyber_physical_systems2018