Kareem, Husam, Almousa, Khaleel, Dunaev, Dmitriy.
Matlab GUI-based Tool to Determine Performance Metrics of Physical Unclonable Functions. 2022 Cybernetics & Informatics (K&I). :1—5.
This paper presents a MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) based tool that determines the performance evaluation metrics of the physically unclonable functions (PUFs). The PUFs are hardware security primitives which can be utilized in several hardware security applications like integrated circuits protection, device authentication, secret key generation, and hardware obfuscation. Like any other technology approach, PUFs evaluation requires testing different performance metrics, each of which can be determined by at least one mathematical equation. The proposed tool (PUFs Tool) reads the PUF instances’ output and then computes and generates the values of the main PUFs’ performance metrics: uniqueness, reliability, uniformity, and bit-aliasing. In addition, it generates a bar code for each PUF instance considered in the evaluation process. The PUFs Tool is designed and developed using the app designer of MATLAB software 2021b.
Masago, Hitoshi, Nodaka, Hiro, Kishimoto, Kazuma, Kawai, Alaric Yohei, Shoji, Shuichi, Mizuno, Jun.
Nano-Artifact Metrics Chip Mounting Technology for Edge AI Device Security. 2022 17th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT). :1—4.
In this study, the effect of surface treatment on the boding strength between Quad flat package (QFP) and quartz was investigated for establishing a QFP/quartz glass bonding technique. This bonding technique is necessary to prevent bond failure at the nano-artifact metrics (NAM) chip and adhesive interface against physical attacks such as counterfeiting and tampering of edge AI devices that use NAM chips. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between surface roughness and tensile strength by applying surface treatments such as vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and Ar/O2 plasma. All QFP/quartz glass with surface treatments such as VUV and Ar/O2 plasma showed increased bond strength. Surface treatment and bonding technology for QFP and quartz glass were established to realize NAM chip mounting.
Kappelhoff, Fynn, Rasche, Rasmus, Mukhopadhyay, Debdeep, Rührmair, Ulrich.
Strong PUF Security Metrics: Response Sensitivity to Small Challenge Perturbations. 2022 23rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :1—10.
This paper belongs to a sequence of manuscripts that discuss generic and easy-to-apply security metrics for Strong PUFs. These metrics cannot and shall not fully replace in-depth machine learning (ML) studies in the security assessment of Strong PUF candidates. But they can complement the latter, serve in initial PUF complexity analyses, and are much easier and more efficient to apply: They do not require detailed knowledge of various ML methods, substantial computation times, or the availability of an internal parametric model of the studied PUF. Our metrics also can be standardized particularly easily. This avoids the sometimes inconclusive or contradictory findings of existing ML-based security test, which may result from the usage of different or non-optimized ML algorithms and hyperparameters, differing hardware resources, or varying numbers of challenge-response pairs in the training phase.This first manuscript within the abovementioned sequence treats one of the conceptually most straightforward security metrics on that path: It investigates the effects that small perturbations in the PUF-challenges have on the resulting PUF-responses. We first develop and implement several sub-metrics that realize this approach in practice. We then empirically show that these metrics have surprising predictive power, and compare our obtained test scores with the known real-world security of several popular Strong PUF designs. The latter include (XOR) Arbiter PUFs, Feed-Forward Arbiter PUFs, and (XOR) Bistable Ring PUFs. Along the way, our manuscript also suggests techniques for representing the results of our metrics graphically, and for interpreting them in a meaningful manner.
Mohsin, Ali, Aurangzeb, Sana, Aleem, Muhammad, Khan, Muhammad Taimoor.
On the Performance and Scalability of Simulators for Improving Security and Safety of Smart Cities. 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1–8.
Simulations have gained paramount importance in terms of software development for wireless sensor networks and have been a vital focus of the scientific community in this decade to provide efficient, secure, and safe communication in smart cities. Network Simulators are widely used for the development of safe and secure communication architectures in smart city. Therefore, in this technical survey report, we have conducted experimental comparisons among ten different simulation environments that can be used to simulate smart-city operations. We comprehensively analyze and compare simulators COOJA, NS-2 with framework Mannasim, NS-3, OMNeT++ with framework Castalia, WSNet, TOSSIM, J-Sim, GloMoSim, SENSE, and Avrora. These simulators have been run eight times each and comparison among them is critically scrutinized. The main objective behind this research paper is to assist developers and researchers in selecting the appropriate simulator against the scenario to provide safe and secure wired and wireless networks. In addition, we have discussed the supportive simulation environments, functions, and operating modes, wireless channel models, energy consumption models, physical, MAC, and network-layer protocols in detail. The selection of these simulation frameworks is based on features, literature, and important characteristics. Lastly, we conclude our work by providing a detailed comparison and describing the pros and cons of each simulator.
Khan, Rida, Barakat, Salma, AlAbduljabbar, Lulwah, AlTayash, Yara, AlMussa, Nofe, AlQattan, Maryam, Jamail, Nor Shahida Mohd.
WhatsApp: Cyber Security Risk Management, Governance and Control. 2022 Fifth International Conference of Women in Data Science at Prince Sultan University (WiDS PSU). :160–165.
This document takes an in-depth approach to identify WhatsApp's Security risk management, governance and controls. WhatsApp is a communication mobile application that is available on both android and IOS, recently acquired by Facebook and allows us to stay connected. This document identifies all necessary assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to WhatsApp and further provides mitigations and security controls to possibly utilize and secure the application.
Tokareva, Marina V., Kublitskii, Anton O., Telyatnikova, Natalia A., Rogov, Anatoly A., Shkolnik, Ilya S..
Ensuring Comprehensive Security of Information Systems of Large Financial Organizations. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :1756–1760.
The article deals with the issues of improving the quality of corporate information systems functioning and ensuring the information security of financial organizations that have a complex structure and serve a significant number of customers. The formation of the company's informational system and its integrated information security system is studied based on the process approach, methods of risk management and quality management. The risks and threats to the security of the informational system functioning and the quality of information support for customer service of a financial organization are analyzed. The methods and tools for improving the quality of information services and ensuring information security are considered on the example of an organization for social insurance. Recommendations are being developed to improve the quality of the informational system functioning in a large financial company.
Wermke, Dominik, Wöhler, Noah, Klemmer, Jan H., Fourné, Marcel, Acar, Yasemin, Fahl, Sascha.
Committed to Trust: A Qualitative Study on Security & Trust in Open Source Software Projects. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1880–1896.
Open Source Software plays an important role in many software ecosystems. Whether in operating systems, network stacks, or as low-level system drivers, software we encounter daily is permeated with code contributions from open source projects. Decentralized development and open collaboration in open source projects introduce unique challenges: code submissions from unknown entities, limited personpower for commit or dependency reviews, and bringing new contributors up-to-date in projects’ best practices & processes.In 27 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with owners, maintainers, and contributors from a diverse set of open source projects, we investigate their security and trust practices. For this, we explore projects’ behind-the-scene processes, provided guidance & policies, as well as incident handling & encountered challenges. We find that our participants’ projects are highly diverse both in deployed security measures and trust processes, as well as their underlying motivations. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for the open source software ecosystem and how the research community can better support open source projects in trust and security considerations. Overall, we argue for supporting open source projects in ways that consider their individual strengths and limitations, especially in the case of smaller projects with low contributor numbers and limited access to resources.
Y, Justindhas., Kumar, G. Anil, Chandrashekhar, A, Raman, R Raghu, Kumar, A. Ravi, S, Ashwini.
Internet of Things based Data Security Management using Three Level Cyber Security Policies. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1–8.
The Internet of Things devices is rapidly becoming widespread, as are IoT services. Their achievement has not gone unnoticed, as threats as well as attacks towards IoT devices as well as services continue to grow. Cyber attacks are not unique to IoT, however as IoT becomes more ingrained in our lives as well as communities, it is imperative to step up as well as take cyber defense seriously. As a result, there is a genuine need to protect IoT, which necessitates a thorough understanding of the dangers and attacks against IoT infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to define threat types, as well as to assess and characterize intrusions and assaults against IoT devices as well as services
Kovačević, Ivan, Štengl, Bruno, Groš, Stjepan.
Systematic review of automatic translation of high-level security policy into firewall rules. 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1063–1068.
Firewalls are security devices that perform network traffic filtering. They are ubiquitous in the industry and are a common method used to enforce organizational security policy. Security policy is specified on a high level of abstraction, with statements such as "web browsing is allowed only on workstations inside the office network", and needs to be translated into low-level firewall rules to be enforceable. There has been a lot of work regarding optimization, analysis and platform independence of firewall rules, but an area that has seen much less success is automatic translation of high-level security policies into firewall rules. In addition to improving rules’ readability, such translation would make it easier to detect errors.This paper surveys of over twenty papers that aim to generate firewall rules according to a security policy specified on a higher level of abstraction. It also presents an overview of similar features in modern firewall systems. Most approaches define specialized domain languages that get compiled into firewall rule sets, with some of them relying on formal specification, ontology, or graphical models. The approaches’ have improved over time, but there are still many drawbacks that need to be solved before wider application.