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Chacko, J., Jacovic, M., Sahin, C., Kandasamy, N., Dandekar, K. R..  2017.  Independent source architecture for developing FPGA-based physical layer security techniques. MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :666–671.
This paper describes and verifies a method of implementing bit error rate (BER) calculation for FPGA-based physical layer security techniques for Software Defined Radio (SDR). Specifically, we describe an independent source signal processing architecture for an efficient calculation of BER for wireless communication modules across the transmitter and receiver nodes. The source components at the transmitter and the receiver both generate identical random bits independently from each other, allowing for the received data to be compared to the original bit stream to calculate BER completely on hardware. The described method is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-6 ML605 FPGA and reduces processing time by more than four orders of magnitude less than hardware simulation techniques in regression testing and validation over billions of bits, shortening design turn around times and accelerating Physical layer based security development for wireless communication research. The described independent source approach utilizes a minimal amount of board resources, allowing it to be integrated seamlessly into SDR hardware designs. Experimental validation of the independent source based BER calculation is performed for an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing signal, and a comparison between different stages of hardware design for the execution time required for BER testing of a large number of bits is provided.