SYN flood attack is a very serious cause for disturbing the normal traffic in MANET. SYN flood attack takes advantage of the congestion caused by populating a specific route with unwanted traffic that results in the denial of services. In this paper, we proposed an Adaptive Detection Mechanism using Artificial Intelligence technique named as SYN Flood Attack Detection Based on Bayes Estimator (SFADBE) for Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET). In SFADBE, every node will gather the current information of the available channel and the secure and congested free (Best Path) channel for the traffic is selected. Due to constant congestion, the availability of the data path can be the cause of SYN Flood attack. By using this AI technique, we experienced the SYN Flood detection probability more than the others did. Simulation results show that our proposed SFADBE algorithm is low cost and robust as compared to the other existing approaches.
Being an era of fast internet-based application environment, large volumes of relational data are being outsourced for business purposes. Therefore, ownership and digital rights protection has become one of the greatest challenges and among the most critical issues. This paper presents a novel fingerprinting technique to protect ownership rights of non-numeric digital data on basis of pattern generation and row association schemes. Firstly, fingerprint sequence is formulated by using secret key and buyer's Unique ID. With the chunks of these sequences and by applying the Fibonacci series, we select some rows. The selected rows are candidates of fingerprinting. The primary key of selected row is protected using RSA encryption; after which a pattern is designed by randomly choosing the values of different attributes of datasets. The encryption of primary key leads to develop an association between original and fake pattern; creating an ease in fingerprint detection. Fingerprint detection algorithm first finds the fake rows and then extracts the fingerprint sequence from the fake attributes, hence identifying the traitor. Some most important features of the proposed approach is to overcome major weaknesses such as error tolerance, integrity and accuracy in previously proposed fingerprinting techniques. The results show that technique is efficient and robust against several malicious attacks.