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Nandhini, M., Priya, P..  2017.  A Hybrid Routing Algorithm for Secure Environmental Monitoring System in WSN. 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). :1061–1065.

Wireless sensor networks are the most prominent set of recently made sensor nodes. They play a numerous role in many applications like environmental monitoring, agriculture, Structural and industrial monitoring, defense applications. In WSN routing is one of the absolutely requisite techniques. It enhance the network lifetime. This can be gives additional priority and system security by using bio inspired algorithm. The combination of bio inspired algorithms and routing algorithms create a way to easy data transmission and improves network lifetime. We present a new metaheuristic hybrid algorithm namely firefly algorithm with Localizability aided localization routing protocol for encircle monitoring in wireless area. This algorithm entirely covers the wireless sensor area by localization process and clumping the sensor nodes with the use of LAL (Localizability Aided Localization) users can minimize the time latency, packet drop and packet loss compared to traditional methods.