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Wu, Xiaoliang, Rajan, Ajitha.  2022.  Catch Me If You Can: Blackbox Adversarial Attacks on Automatic Speech Recognition using Frequency Masking. 2022 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :169–178.
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are used widely in applications for voice navigation and voice control of domestic appliances. ASRs have been misused by attackers to generate malicious outputs by attacking the deep learning component within ASRs. To assess the security and robustnesss of ASRs, we propose techniques within our framework SPAT that generate blackbox (agnostic to the DNN) adversarial attacks that are portable across ASRs. This is in contrast to existing work that focuses on whitebox attacks that are time consuming and lack portability. Our techniques generate adversarial attacks that have no human audible difference by manipulating the input speech signal using a psychoacoustic model that maintains the audio perturbations below the thresholds of human perception. We propose a framework SPAT with three attack generation techniques based on the psychoacoustic concept and frame selection techniques to selectively target the attack. We evaluate portability and effectiveness of our techniques using three popular ASRs and two input audio datasets using the metrics- Word Error Rate (WER) of output transcription, Similarity to original audio, attack Success Rate on different ASRs and Detection score by a defense system. We found our adversarial attacks were portable across ASRs, not easily detected by a state-of the-art defense system, and had significant difference in output transcriptions while sounding similar to original audio.
Yaneva, Vanya, Rajan, Ajitha, Dubach, Christophe.  2017.  Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration on GPUs for Embedded Software. Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. :35–45.

Embedded software is found everywhere from our highly visible mobile devices to the confines of our car in the form of smart sensors. Embedded software companies are under huge pressure to produce safe applications that limit risks, and testing is absolutely critical to alleviate concerns regarding safety and user privacy. This requires using large test suites throughout the development process, increasing time-to-market and ultimately hindering competitivity. Speeding up test execution is, therefore, of paramount importance for embedded software developers. This is traditionally achieved by running, in parallel, multiple tests on large-scale clusters of computers. However, this approach is costly in terms of infrastructure maintenance and energy consumed, and is at times inconvenient as developers have to wait for their tests to be scheduled on a shared resource. We propose to look at exploiting GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for running embedded software testing. GPUs are readily available in most computers and offer tremendous amounts of parallelism, making them an ideal target for embedded software testing. In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time, how test executions of embedded C programs can be automatically performed on a GPU, without involving the end user. We take a compiler-assisted approach which automatically compiles the C program into GPU kernels for parallel execution of the input tests. Using this technique, we achieve an average speedup of 16× when compared to CPU execution of input tests across nine programs from an industry standard embedded benchmark suite.