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Hu, W., Ardeshiricham, A., Gobulukoglu, M. S., Wang, X., Kastner, R..  2018.  Property Specific Information Flow Analysis for Hardware Security Verification. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1-8.

Hardware information flow analysis detects security vulnerabilities resulting from unintended design flaws, timing channels, and hardware Trojans. These information flow models are typically generated in a general way, which includes a significant amount of redundancy that is irrelevant to the specified security properties. In this work, we propose a property specific approach for information flow security. We create information flow models tailored to the properties to be verified by performing a property specific search to identify security critical paths. This helps find suspicious signals that require closer inspection and quickly eliminates portions of the design that are free of security violations. Our property specific trimming technique reduces the complexity of the security model; this accelerates security verification and restricts potential security violations to a smaller region which helps quickly pinpoint hardware security vulnerabilities.