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Shrishti, Burra, Manohar S., Maurya, Chanchal, Maity, Soumyadev.  2019.  Leakage Resilient Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Periodic Updation. {2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics} (ICOEI).

Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) scheme allows a data owner to perform search queries over encrypted documents using symmetric cryptography. SSE schemes are useful in cloud storage and data outsourcing. Most of the SSE schemes in existing literature have been proved to leak a substantial amount of information that can lead to an inference attack. This paper presents, a novel leakage resilient searchable symmetric encryption with periodic updation (LRSSEPU) scheme that minimizes extra information leakage, and prevents an untrusted cloud server from performing document mapping attack, query recovery attack and other inference attacks. In particular, the size of the keyword vector is fixed and the keywords are periodically permuted and updated to achieve minimum leakage. Furthermore, our proposed LRSSEPU scheme provides authentication of the query messages and restricts an adversary from performing a replay attack, forged query attack and denial of service attack. We employ a combination of identity-based cryptography (IBC) with symmetric key cryptography to reduce the computation cost and communication overhead. Our scheme is lightweight and easy to implement with very little communication overhead.

Dewangan, Ruchi, Altaf, Fahiem, Maity, Soumyadev.  2019.  Certificateless Aggregate Message Authentication for Hierarchical Trusted Authority based VANET. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :429–434.
In VANET, vehicles periodically transmit beacon messages to the neighboring vehicles and the RSU. To establish the authenticity of these messages, a number of digital signature schemes have been proposed in literature. Many of these schemes enable an RSU to perform aggregate verification of the signatures to deal with high vehicle density scenarios. These schemes are either based on traditional PKC concept involving certificate management overhead or identity based cryptography having key escrow problem. Further, these schemes require the existence of OBU device which is resistant to side channel attacks. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical trusted authority privacy preserving certificateless aggregate signature scheme for VANET. In addition to providing message authentication, integrity and non-repudiation, our scheme is resistant to message forgeability attack. The proposed scheme assumes hierarchical organization of network such that vehicles operate under multiple trusted authorities (TA) which in turn are controlled by single root TA. Using our scheme, the entity could verify messages received from vehicles which operate under multiple TAs. The proposed scheme is free from key escrow problem and resistant to side channel attacks on OBU. It also possesses conditional linkability such that originator of a message could be revealed whenever required. Simulations confirm the efficient nature in terms of verification delay as compared to other well known schemes proposed in literature.
Aditia, Mayank K., Altaf, Fahiem, Singh, Moirangthem R., Burra, Manohar S., Maurya, Chanchal, Sahoo, Sujit S., Maity, Soumyadev.  2019.  Optimized CL-PKE with Lightweight Encryption for Resource Constrained Devices. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking. :427–432.
Resource constrained devices such as sensors and RFIDs are utilized in many application areas to sense, store and transmit the sensitive data. This data must be encrypted to achieve confidentiality. The implementation of traditional public key encryption (PKE) techniques by these devices is always challenging as they possess very limited computational resources. Various encryption schemes based on identity-based encryption (IBE) and certificate-less public key encryption (CL-PKE) have been proposed to overcome limitations of PKI. However, many of these schemes involve the computationally expensive exponentiation and bilinear pairing operations on elliptic curve group to encrypt the messages. In this context, we propose a lightweight optimized CL-PKE scheme in which exponentiation and pairing operations are completely eliminated during encryption and only involves computation of cheaper addition and multiplication operations on elliptic curve. Implementation of the proposed scheme confirms its lightweight nature as compared to original CL-PKE scheme.