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Singh, P., Saroj, S. K..  2020.  A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). :695–700.
Cloud computing is an evolving technology that provides data storage and highly fast computing services at a very low cost. All data stored in the cloud is handled by their cloud service providers or the caretaker of the cloud. The data owner is concerned about the authenticity and reliability of the data stored in the cloud as the data owners. Data can be misappropriated or altered by any unauthorized user or person. This paper desire to suggest a secure public auditing scheme applying third party auditors to authenticate the privacy, reliability, and integrity of data stored in the cloud. This proposed auditing scheme composes the use of the AES-256 algorithm for encryption, SHA-512 for integrity check and RSA-15360 for public-key encryption. And perform data dynamics operation which deals with mostly insertion, deletion, and, modification.
Singh, M., Singh, P., Kumar, P..  2020.  An Analytical Study on Cross-Site Scripting. 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). :1—6.
Cross-Site Scripting, also called as XSS, is a type of injection where malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites. When malicious code, usually in the form of browser side script, is injected using a web application to a different end user, an XSS attack is said to have taken place. Flaws which allows success to this attack is remarkably widespread and occurs anywhere a web application handles the user input without validating or encoding it. A study carried out by Symantic states that more than 50% of the websites are vulnerable to the XSS attack. Security engineers of Microsoft coined the term "Cross-Site Scripting" in January of the year 2000. But even if was coined in the year 2000, XSS vulnerabilities have been reported and exploited since the beginning of 1990's, whose prey have been all the (then) tech-giants such as Twitter, Myspace, Orkut, Facebook and YouTube. Hence the name "Cross-Site" Scripting. This attack could be combined with other attacks such as phishing attack to make it more lethal but it usually isn't necessary, since it is already extremely difficult to deal with from a user perspective because in many cases it looks very legitimate as it's leveraging attacks against our banks, our shopping websites and not some fake malicious website.
Kumar, N. C., Basit, A., Singh, P., Venkaiah, V. C..  2017.  Proactive secret sharing for long lived MANETs using Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI). :312–316.

Since MANETs are infrastructure-less, they heavily use secret sharing techniques to distribute and decentralize the role of a trusted third party, where the MANET secret s is shared among the legitimate nodes using (t, n) threshold secret sharing scheme. For long lived MANETs, the shared secret is periodically updated without changing the MANET secret based on proactive secret sharing using Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC). Hence, the adversary trying to learn the secret, needs to gain at-least t partial shares in the same time period. If the time period and the threshold value t are selected properly, proactive verifiable secret sharing can maintain the overall security of the information in long lived MANETs. The conventional cryptographic algorithms are heavy weight, require lot of computation power thus consuming lot of resources. In our proposal we used Elliptic Curve Cryptography to verify commitments as it requires smaller keys compared to existing proactive secret sharing techniques and makes it useful for MANETs, Which are formed of resource constraint devices.

Alomari, E., Manickam, S., Gupta, B.B., Singh, P., Anbar, M..  2014.  Design, deployment and use of HTTP-based botnet (HBB) testbed. Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International Conference on. :1265-1269.

Botnet is one of the most widespread and serious malware which occur frequently in today's cyber attacks. A botnet is a group of Internet-connected computer programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform various attacks. HTTP-based botnet is most dangerous botnet among all the different botnets available today. In botnets detection, in particularly, behavioural-based approaches suffer from the unavailability of the benchmark datasets and this lead to lack of precise results evaluation of botnet detection systems, comparison, and deployment which originates from the deficiency of adequate datasets. Most of the datasets in the botnet field are from local environment and cannot be used in the large scale due to privacy problems and do not reflect common trends, and also lack some statistical features. To the best of our knowledge, there is not any benchmark dataset available which is infected by HTTP-based botnet (HBB) for performing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against Web servers by using HTTP-GET flooding method. In addition, there is no Web access log infected by botnet is available for researchers. Therefore, in this paper, a complete test-bed will be illustrated in order to implement a real time HTTP-based botnet for performing variety of DDoS attacks against Web servers by using HTTP-GET flooding method. In addition to this, Web access log with http bot traces are also generated. These real time datasets and Web access logs can be useful to study the behaviour of HTTP-based botnet as well as to evaluate different solutions proposed to detect HTTP-based botnet by various researchers.