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Jacq, Olivier, Salazar, Pablo Giménez, Parasuraman, Kamban, Kuusijärvi, Jarkko, Gkaniatsou, Andriana, Latsa, Evangelia, Amditis, Angelos.  2021.  The Cyber-MAR Project: First Results and Perspectives on the Use of Hybrid Cyber Ranges for Port Cyber Risk Assessment. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :409—414.
With over 80% of goods transportation in volume carried by sea, ports are key infrastructures within the logistics value chain. To address the challenges of the globalized and competitive economy, ports are digitizing at a fast pace, evolving into smart ports. Consequently, the cyber-resilience of ports is essential to prevent possible disruptions to the economic supply chain. Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of disclosed cyber-attacks on ports. In this paper, we present the capabilities of a high-end hybrid cyber range for port cyber risks awareness and training. By describing a specific port use-case and the first results achieved, we draw perspectives for the use of cyber ranges for the training of port actors in cyber crisis management.
Pelissero, Nicolas, Laso, Pedro Merino, Jacq, Olivier, Puentes, John.  2021.  Towards modeling of naval systems interdependencies for cybersecurity. OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto. :1—7.
To ensure a ship’s fully operational status in a wide spectrum of missions, as passenger transportation, international trade, and military activities, numerous interdependent systems are essential. Despite the potential critical consequences of misunderstanding or ignoring those interdependencies, there are very few documented approaches to enable their identification, representation, analysis, and use. From the cybersecurity point of view, if an anomaly occurs on one of the interdependent systems, it could eventually impact the whole ship, jeopardizing its mission success. This paper presents a proposal to identify the main dependencies of layers within and between generic ship’s functional blocks. An analysis of one of these layers, the platform systems, is developed to examine a naval cyber-physical system (CPS), the water management for passenger use, and its associated dependencies, from an intrinsic perspective. This analysis generates a three layers graph, on which dependencies are represented as oriented edges. Each abstraction level of the graph represents the physical, digital, and system variables of the examined CPS. The obtained result confirms the interest of graphs for dependencies representation and analysis. It is an operational depiction of the different systems interdependencies, on which can rely a cybersecurity evaluation, like anomaly detection and propagation assessment.
Jacq, Olivier, Brosset, David, Kermarrec, Yvon, Simonin, Jacques.  2019.  Cyber Attacks Real Time Detection: Towards a Cyber Situational Awareness for Naval Systems. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics And Assessment (Cyber SA). :1–2.
Over the last years, the maritime sector has seen an important increase in digital systems on board. Whether used for platform management, navigation, logistics or office tasks, a modern ship can be seen as a fully featured, complex and moving information system. Meanwhile, cyber threats on the sector are real and, for instance, the year 2018 has seen a number of harmful public ransomware attacks impacting shore and ashore assets. Gaining cyber situation recognition, comprehension and projection through Maritime Cyber Situational Awareness is therefore a challenging but essential task for the sector. However, its elaboration has to face a number of issues, such as the collect and fusion of real-time data coming from the ships and an efficient visualization and situation sharing across maritime actors. In this paper, we describe our current work and results for maritime cyber situational awareness elaboration. Even if its development is still going on, the first operational feedback is very encouraging.