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Malik, Nisha, Nanda, Priyadarsi, He, Xiangjian, Liu, RenPing.  2019.  Trust and Reputation in Vehicular Networks: A Smart Contract-Based Approach. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :34–41.
Appending digital signatures and certificates to messages guarantee data integrity and ensure non-repudiation, but do not identify greedy authenticated nodes. Trust evolves if some reputable and trusted node verifies the node, data and evaluates the trustworthiness of the node using an accurate metric. But, even if the verifying party is a trusted centralized party, there is opacity and obscurity in computed reputation rating. The trusted party maps it with the node's identity, but how is it evaluated and what inputs derive the reputation rating remains hidden, thus concealment of transparency leads to privacy. Besides, the malevolent nodes might collude together for defamatory actions against reliable nodes, and eventually bad mouth these nodes or praise malicious nodes collaboratively. Thus, we cannot always assume the fairness of the nodes as the rating they give to any node might not be a fair one. In this paper, we propose a smart contract-based approach to update and query the reputation of nodes, stored and maintained by IPFS distributed storage. The use case particularly deals with an emergency scenario, dealing against colluding attacks. Our scheme is implemented using MATLAB simulation. The results show how smart contracts are capable of accurately identifying trustworthy nodes and record the reputation of a node transparently and immutably.