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Demir, Mehmet özgÜn, Alp Topal, Ozan, Dartmann, Guido, Schmeink, Anke, Ascheid, Gerd, Kurt, GüneŞ, Pusane, Ali Emre.  2019.  Using Perfect Codes in Relay Aided Networks: A Security Analysis. 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :1—6.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are state-of-the-art communication environments that offer various applications with distinct requirements. However, security in CPS is a nonnegotiable concept, since without a proper security mechanism the applications of CPS may risk human lives, the privacy of individuals, and system operations. In this paper, we focus on PHY-layer security approaches in CPS to prevent passive eavesdropping attacks, and we propose an integration of physical layer operations to enhance security. Thanks to the McEliece cryptosystem, error injection is firstly applied to information bits, which are encoded with the forward error correction (FEC) schemes. Golay and Hamming codes are selected as FEC schemes to satisfy power and computational efficiency. Then obtained codewords are transmitted across reliable intermediate relays to the legitimate receiver. As a performance metric, the decoding frame error rate of the eavesdropper is analytically obtained for the fragmentary existence of significant noise between relays and Eve. The simulation results validate the analytical calculations, and the obtained results show that the number of low-quality channels and the selected FEC scheme affects the performance of the proposed model.

Demir, Mehmet özgÜn, Kurty, GÜne Karabulut, Dartmannz, Guido, Ascheidx, Gerd, Pusane, Ali Emre.  2018.  Security Analysis of Forward Error Correction Codes in Relay Aided Networks. 2018 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS). :1–5.

Network security and data confidentiality of transmitted information are among the non-functional requirements of industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs) in addition to latency, reliability and energy efficiency requirements. Physical layer security techniques are promising solutions to assist cryptographic methods in the presence of an eavesdropper in IWSN setups. In this paper, we propose a physical layer security scheme, which is based on both insertion of an random error vector to forward error correction (FEC) codewords and transmission over decentralized relay nodes. Reed-Solomon and Golay codes are selected as FEC coding schemes and the security performance of the proposed model is evaluated with the aid of decoding error probability of an eavesdropper. The results show that security level is highly based on the location of the eavesdropper and secure communication can be achieved when some of channels between eavesdropper and relay nodes are significantly noisier.