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Haefner, Kyle, Ray, Indrakshi.  2019.  ComplexIoT: Behavior-Based Trust For IoT Networks. 2019 First IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :56—65.

This work takes a novel approach to classifying the behavior of devices by exploiting the single-purpose nature of IoT devices and analyzing the complexity and variance of their network traffic. We develop a formalized measurement of complexity for IoT devices, and use this measurement to precisely tune an anomaly detection algorithm for each device. We postulate that IoT devices with low complexity lead to a high confidence in their behavioral model and have a correspondingly more precise decision boundary on their predicted behavior. Conversely, complex general purpose devices have lower confidence and a more generalized decision boundary. We show that there is a positive correlation to our complexity measure and the number of outliers found by an anomaly detection algorithm. By tuning this decision boundary based on device complexity we are able to build a behavioral framework for each device that reduces false positive outliers. Finally, we propose an architecture that can use this tuned behavioral model to rank each flow on the network and calculate a trust score ranking of all traffic to and from a device which allows the network to autonomously make access control decisions on a per-flow basis.