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Sarasjati, Wendy, Rustad, Supriadi, Purwanto, Santoso, Heru Agus, Muljono, Syukur, Abdul, Rafrastara, Fauzi Adi, Ignatius Moses Setiadi, De Rosal.  2022.  Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms for Website Phishing Detection on Multiple Datasets. 2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic). :448–452.
Phishing has become a prominent method of data theft among hackers, and it continues to develop. In recent years, many strategies have been developed to identify phishing website attempts using machine learning particularly. However, the algorithms and classification criteria that have been used are highly different from the real issues and need to be compared. This paper provides a detailed comparison and evaluation of the performance of several machine learning algorithms across multiple datasets. Two phishing website datasets were used for the experiments: the Phishing Websites Dataset from UCI (2016) and the Phishing Websites Dataset from Mendeley (2018). Because these datasets include different types of class labels, the comparison algorithms can be applied in a variety of situations. The tests showed that Random Forest was better than other classification methods, with an accuracy of 88.92% for the UCI dataset and 97.50% for the Mendeley dataset.
Nursetyo, Arif, Ignatius Moses Setiadi, De Rosal, Rachmawanto, Eko Hari, Sari, Christy Atika.  2019.  Website and Network Security Techniques against Brute Force Attacks using Honeypot. 2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). :1—6.
The development of the internet and the web makes human activities more practical, comfortable, and inexpensive. So that the use of the internet and websites is increasing in various ways. Public networks make the security of websites vulnerable to attack. This research proposes a Honeypot for server security against attackers who want to steal data by carrying out a brute force attack. In this research, Honeypot is integrated on the server to protect the server by creating a shadow server. This server is responsible for tricking the attacker into not being able to enter the original server. Brute force attacks tested using Medusa tools. With the application of Honeypot on the server, it is proven that the server can be secured from the attacker. Even the log of activities carried out by the attacker in the shadow server is stored in the Kippo log activities.