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Basin, David, Lochbihler, Andreas, Maurer, Ueli, Sefidgar, S. Reza.  2021.  Abstract Modeling of System Communication in Constructive Cryptography using CryptHOL. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1–16.
Proofs in simulation-based frameworks have the greatest rigor when they are machine checked. But the level of details in these proofs surpasses what the formal-methods community can handle with existing tools. Existing formal results consider streamlined versions of simulation-based frameworks to cope with this complexity. Hence, a central question is how to abstract details from composability results and enable their formal verification.In this paper, we focus on the modeling of system communication in composable security statements. Existing formal models consider fixed communication patterns to reduce the complexity of their proofs. However, as we will show, this can affect the reusability of security statements. We propose an abstract approach to modeling system communication in Constructive Cryptography that avoids this problem. Our approach is suitable for mechanized verification and we use CryptHOL, a framework for developing mechanized cryptography proofs, to implement it in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover. As a case study, we formalize the construction of a secure channel using Diffie-Hellman key exchange and a one-time-pad.
Lochbihler, Andreas, Sefidgar, S. Reza, Basin, David, Maurer, Ueli.  2019.  Formalizing Constructive Cryptography using CryptHOL. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :152–15214.
Computer-aided cryptography increases the rigour of cryptographic proofs by mechanizing their verification. Existing tools focus mainly on game-based proofs, and efforts to formalize composable frameworks such as Universal Composability have met with limited success. In this paper, we formalize an instance of Constructive Cryptography, a generic theory allowing for clean, composable cryptographic security statements. Namely, we extend CryptHOL, a framework for game-based proofs, with an abstract model of Random Systems and provide proof rules for their equality and composition. We formalize security as a special kind of system construction in which a complex system is built from simpler ones. As a simple case study, we formalize the construction of an information-theoretically secure channel from a key, a random function, and an insecure channel.