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Shanavas, H., Ahmed, S. A., Hussain, M. H. Safwat.  2018.  Design of an Autonomous Surveillance Robot Using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. 2018 International Conference on Design Innovations for 3Cs Compute Communicate Control (ICDI3C). :64—68.

In this paper, the design as well as complete implementation of a robot which can be autonomously controlled for surveillance. It can be seamlessly integrated into an existing security system already present. The robot's inherent ability allows it to map the interiors of an unexplored building and steer autonomously using its self-ruling and pilot feature. It uses a 2D LIDAR to map its environment in real-time and HD camera records suspicious activity. It also features an in-built display with touch based commands and voice recognition that enables people to interact with the robot during any situation.