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Murugan, S., Jeyakarthic, M..  2020.  An Energy Efficient Security Aware Clustering approach using Fuzzy Logic for Mobile Adhoc Networks. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :551—555.

Security awareness and energy efficiency are two crucial optimization issues present in MANET where the network topology gets adequately changed and is not predictable which affects the lifetime of the MANET. They are extensively analyzed to improvise the lifetime of the MANET. This paper concentrates on the design of an energy-efficient security-aware fuzzy-based clustering (SFLC) technique to make the network secure and energy-efficient. The selection of cluster heads (CHD) process using fuzzy logic (FL) involves the trust factor as an important input variable. Once the CHDs are elected successfully, clusters will be constructed and start to communication with one another as well as the base station (BS). The presented SFLC model is simulated using NS2 and the performance is validated in terms of energy, lifetime and computation time.