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Žulj, S., Delija, D., Sirovatka, G..  2020.  Analysis of secure data deletion and recovery with common digital forensic tools and procedures. 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1607–1610.
This paper presents how students practical’s is developed and used for the important task forensic specialist have to do when using common digital forensic tools for data deletion and data recovery from various types of digital media and live systems. Digital forensic tools like EnCase, FTK imager, BlackLight, and open source tools are discussed in developed practical’s scenarios. This paper shows how these tools can be used to train and enhance student understanding of the capabilities and limitations of digital forensic tools in uncommon digital forensic scenarios. Students’ practicals encourage students to efficiently use digital forensic tools in the various professional scenarios that they will encounter.