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Secure Wipe Out in BYOD Environment. 2020 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS). :109–114.
2020. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a new trend where employees use their personal devices to connect to their organization networks to access sensitive information and work-related systems. One of the primary challenges in BYOD is to securely delete company data when an employee leaves an organization. In common BYOD programs, the personal device in use is completely wiped out. This may lead to the deletion of personal data during exit procedures. Due to performance and deletion latency, erasure of data in most file systems today results in unlinking the file location and marking data blocks as unused. This may suffice the need of a normal user trying to delete unwanted files but the file content is not erased from the data blocks and can be retrieved with the help of various data recovery and forensic tools. In this paper, we discuss: (1) existing work related to secure deletion, and (2) secure and selective deletion methods that delete only the required files or directories without tampering personal data. We present two per-file deletion methods: Overwriting data and Encryption based deletion which erase specific files securely. Our proposed per-file deletion methods reduce latency and performance overheads caused by overwriting an entire disk.