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A Comparative Study on security breach in Fog computing and its impact. 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC). :247–251.
2020. Budding technologies like IoT requires minimum latency for performing real-time applications. The IoT devices collect a huge amount of big data and stores in the cloud environment, because of its on-demand services and scalability. But processing the needed information of the IoT devices from the cloud computing environment is found to be time-sensitive one. To eradicate this issue fog computing environment was created which acts an intermediate between the IoT devices and cloud computing environment. The fog computing performs intermediate computation and storage which is needed by IoT devices and it eliminates the drawbacks of latency and bandwidth limitation faced by directly using cloud computing for storage and accessing. The fog computing even though more advantageous it is more exposed to security issues by its architecture. This paper concentrates more on the security issues met by fog computing and the present methods used by the researchers to secure fog with their pros and cons.
Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation in Fog Computing using Homomorphic Encryption: An Analysis. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–5.
2020. In recent days the attention of the researchers has been grabbed by the advent of fog computing which is found to be a conservatory of cloud computing. The fog computing is found to be more advantageous and it solves mighty issues of the cloud namely higher delay and also no proper mobility awareness and location related awareness are found in the cloud environment. The IoT devices are connected to the fog nodes which support the cloud services to accumulate and process a component of data. The presence of Fog nodes not only reduces the demands of processing data, but it had improved the quality of service in real time scenarios. Nevertheless the fog node endures from challenges of false data injection, privacy violation in IoT devices and violating integrity of data. This paper is going to address the key issues related to homomorphic encryption algorithms which is used by various researchers for providing data integrity and authenticity of the devices with their merits and demerits.
A Descriptive Study on Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Enhancing Security in Fog Computing. 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). :738–743.
2020. Nowadays, Fog Computing gets more attention due to its characteristics. Fog computing provides more advantages in related to apply with the latest technology. On the other hand, there is an issue about the data security over processing of data. Fog Computing encounters many security challenges like false data injection, violating privacy in edge devices and integrity of data, etc. An encryption scheme called Homomorphic Encryption (HME) technique is used to protect the data from the various security threats. This homomorphic encryption scheme allows doing manipulation over the encrypted data without decrypting it. This scheme can be implemented in many systems with various crypto-algorithms. This homomorphic encryption technique is mainly used to retain the privacy and to process the stored encrypted data on a remote server. This paper addresses the terminologies of Fog Computing, work flow and properties of the homomorphic encryption algorithm, followed by exploring the application of homomorphic encryption in various public key cryptosystems such as RSA and Pailier. It focuses on various homomorphic encryption schemes implemented by various researchers such as Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan model, Improved Homomorphic Cryptosystem, Upgraded ElGamal based Algebric homomorphic encryption scheme, In-Direct rapid homomorphic encryption scheme which provides integrity of data.