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elazm, L. A. Abou, Ibrahim, S., Egila, M. G., Shawkey, H., Elsaid, M. K. H., El-Shafai, W., El-Samie, F. E. Abd.  2020.  Hardware Implementation of Cancellable Biometric Systems. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :1145–1152.

The use of biometrics in security applications may be vulnerable to several challenges of hacking. Thus, the emergence of cancellable biometrics becomes a suitable solution to this problem. This paper presents a one-way cancellable biometric transform that depends on 3D chaotic maps for face and fingerprint encryption. It aims to avoid cloning of original biometrics and allow the templates used by each user in different applications to be variable. The permutations achieved with the chaotic maps guarantee high security of the biometric templates, especially with the 3D implementation of the encryption algorithm. In addition, the paper presents a hardware implementation for this framework. The proposed algorithm also achieves good performance in the presence of low and moderate levels of noise. An experimental version of the proposed cancellable biometric system has been applied on FPGA model. The obtained results achieve a powerful performance of the proposed cancellable biometric system.