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A Solution for Secured Content Transferring in between Multiple Hosts within P2P Enabled Intranet. 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control and Computing (ICONC3). :1—3.
2020. Peer to peer file transferring is always a better approach for sharing the contents among multiple nodes when they are in same logical network. Sometimes when a peer leaves the network and its resources key is handed-over to other neighbors (may be adjacent peer) there is always high risk for transferring of related content. In this paper a solution has been implemented through which peers can share files with another peer in a secure manner over P2P enabled intra-network. The data of Peers are located in two different folders namely- PUBLIC and PRIVATE. For a PRIVATE file, the permission from the owner will be desired to retrieve the file at the receiving-end peer. This enables users to restrict the outflow of files. The main advantage of this application is that there is no need of global network (internetwork) and a centralized server.