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Himthani, P., Dubey, G. P., Sharma, B. M., Taneja, A..  2020.  Big Data Privacy and Challenges for Machine Learning. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :707—713.

The field of Big Data is expanding at an alarming rate since its inception in 2012. The excessive use of Social Networking Sites, collection of Data from Sensors for analysis and prediction of future events, improvement in Customer Satisfaction on Online S hopping portals by monitoring their past behavior and providing them information, items and offers of their interest instantaneously, etc had led to this rise in the field of Big Data. This huge amount of data, if analyzed and processed properly, can lead to decisions and outcomes that would be of great values and benefits to organizations and individuals. Security of Data and Privacy of User is of keen interest and high importance for individuals, industry and academia. Everyone ensure that their Sensitive information must be kept away from unauthorized access and their assets must be kept safe from security breaches. Privacy and Security are also equally important for Big Data and here, it is typical and complex to ensure the Privacy and Security, as the amount of data is enormous. One possible option to effectively and efficiently handle, process and analyze the Big Data is to make use of Machine Learning techniques. Machine Learning techniques are straightforward; applying them on Big Data requires resolution of various issues and is a challenging task, as the size of Data is too big. This paper provides a brief introduction to Big Data, the importance of Security and Privacy in Big Data and the various challenges that are required to overcome for applying the Machine Learning techniques on Big Data.