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Antonio, Elbren, Fajardo, Arnel, Medina, Ruji.  2020.  Tracking Browser Fingerprint using Rule Based Algorithm. 2020 16th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing Its Applications (CSPA). :225—229.

Browsers collects information for better user experience by allowing JavaScript's and other extensions. Advertiser and other trackers take advantage on this useful information to tracked users across the web from remote devices on the purpose of individual unique identifications the so-called browser fingerprinting. Our work explores the diversity and stability of browser fingerprint by modifying the rule-based algorithm. Browser fingerprint rely only from the gathered data through browser, it is hard to tell that this piece of information still the same when upgrades and or downgrades are happening to any browsers and software's without user consent, which is stability and diversity are the most important usage of generating browser fingerprint. We implemented device fingerprint to identify consenting visitors in our website and evaluate individual devices attributes by calculating entropy of each selected attributes. In this research, it is noted that we emphasize only on data collected through a web browser by employing twenty (20) attributes to identify promising high value information to track how device information evolve and consistent in a period of time, likewise, we manually selected device information for evaluation where we apply the modified rules. Finally, this research is conducted and focused on the devices having the closest configuration and device information to test how devices differ from each other after several days of using on the basis of individual user configurations, this will prove in our study that every device is unique.