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Addae, Joyce, Radenkovic, Milena, Sun, Xu, Towey, Dave.  2016.  An extended perspective on cybersecurity education. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE). :367—369.
The current trend of ubiquitous device use whereby computing is becoming increasingly context-aware and personal, has created a growing concern for the protection of personal privacy. Privacy is an essential component of security, and there is a need to be able to secure personal computers and networks to minimize privacy depreciation within cyberspace. Human error has been recognized as playing a major role in security breaches: Hence technological solutions alone cannot adequately address the emerging security and privacy threats. Home users are particularly vulnerable to cybersecurity threats for a number of reasons, including a particularly important one that our research seeks to address: The lack of cybersecurity education. We argue that research seeking to address the human element of cybersecurity should not be limited only to the design of more usable technical security mechanisms, but should be extended and applied to offering appropriate training to all stakeholders within cyberspace.