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SANE, Bernard Ousmane, BA, Mandicou, FALL, Doudou, KASHIHARA, Shigeru, TAENAKA, Yuzo, NIANG, Ibrahima, Kadobayashi, Youki.  2020.  Solving the Interdependency Problem: A Secure Virtual Machine Allocation Method Relying on the Attacker’s Efficiency and Coverage. 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID). :440—449.
Cloud computing dominates the information communication and technology landscape despite the presence of lingering security issues such as the interdependency problem. The latter is a co-residence conundrum where the attacker successfully compromises his target virtual machine by first exploiting the weakest (in terms of security) virtual machine that is hosted in the same server. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel virtual machine allocation policy that is based on the attacker's efficiency and coverage. By default, our allocation policy considers all legitimate users as attackers and then proceeds to host the users' virtual machines to the server where their efficiency and/or coverage are the smallest. Our simulation results show that our proposal performs better than the existing allocation policies that were proposed to tackle the same issue, by reducing the attacker's possibilities to zero and by using between 30 - 48% less hosts.