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Kulkarni, Pallavi, Khanai, Rajashri, Bindagi, Gururaj.  2020.  A Hybrid Encryption Scheme for Securing Images in the Cloud. 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :795–800.
With the introduction of Cloud computing, a new era of computing has begun. Cloud has the ability to provide flexible, cost effective pay-as-you-go service. In the modern day computing, outsourcing of data/multimedia into the cloud has become an effective trend as cloud provides storage as a service, platform/software as a service, infrastructure as a service etc. Seamless exchange of data /multimedia is made possible ensuring the data available anytime, anywhere. Even though cloud based services offer many advantages, data owners are still hesitant to keep their data with the third party. Confidentiality, Integrity, Privacy and Non-repudiation are the major concerns of the outsourced data. To secure the data exchange between users and the cloud, many traditional security approaches are proposed. In this paper, a hybrid encryption technique to secure the images is proposed. The scheme uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography to generate the secret key, which in turn used for DES and AES algorithms.