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Neighborhood Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Network for DDoS Attack Detection over IoT Networks. 2021 7th International Engineering Conference ``Research Innovation amid Global Pandemic" (IEC). :1–6.
2021. Recently, modern networks have been made up of connections of small devices that have less memory, small CPU capability, and limited resources. Such networks apparently known as Internet of Things networks. Devices in such network promising high standards of live for human, however, they increase the size of threats lead to bring more risks to network security. One of the most popular threats against such networks is known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Reports from security solution providers show that number of such attacks are in increase considerably. Therefore, more researches on detecting the DDoS attacks are necessary. Such works need monitoring network packets that move over Internet and networks and, through some intelligent techniques, monitored packets could be classified as benign or as DDoS attack. This work focuses on combining Neighborhood Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation to classify and identify packets as forward by attackers or as come from authorized and illegible users. This work utilized the activities of four type of the network protocols to distinguish five types of attacks from benign packets. The proposed model shows the ability of classifying packets to normal or to attack classes with an accuracy of 99.4%.