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Multiple layered Security using combination of Cryptography with Rotational, Flipping Steganography and Message Authentication. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS). :1–5.
2022. Data or information are being transferred at an enormous pace and hence protecting and securing this transmission of data are very important and have been very challenging. Cryptography and Steganography are the most broadly used techniques for safeguarding data by encryption of data and hiding the existence of data. A multi-layered secure transmission can be achieved by combining Cryptography with Steganography and by adding message authentication ensuring the confidentiality of the message. Different approach towards Steganography implementation is proposed using rotations and flips to prevent detection of encoded messages. Compression of multimedia files is set up for increasing the speed of encoding and consuming less storage space. The HMAC (Hash-based Authentication Code) algorithm is chosen for message authentication and integrity. The performance of the proposed Steganography methods is concluded using Histogram comparative analysis. Simulations have been performed to back the reliability of the proposed method.
Detecting Malware, Malicious URLs and Virus Using Machine Learning and Signature Matching. 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET). :1–5.
2021. Nowadays most of our data is stored on an electronic device. The risk of that device getting infected by Viruses, Malware, Worms, Trojan, Ransomware, or any unwanted invader has increased a lot these days. This is mainly because of easy access to the internet. Viruses and malware have evolved over time so identification of these files has become difficult. Not only by viruses and malware your device can be attacked by a click on forged URLs. Our proposed solution for this problem uses machine learning techniques and signature matching techniques. The main aim of our solution is to identify the malicious programs/URLs and act upon them. The core idea in identifying the malware is selecting the key features from the Portable Executable file headers using these features we trained a random forest model. This RF model will be used for scanning a file and determining if that file is malicious or not. For identification of the virus, we are using the signature matching technique which is used to match the MD5 hash of the file with the virus signature database containing the MD5 hash of the identified viruses and their families. To distinguish between benign and illegitimate URLs there is a logistic regression model used. The regression model uses a tokenizer for feature extraction from the URL that is to be classified. The tokenizer separates all the domains, sub-domains and separates the URLs on every `/'. Then a TfidfVectorizer (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) is used to convert the text into a weighted value. These values are used to predict if the URL is safe to visit or not. On the integration of all three modules, the final application will provide full system protection against malicious software.