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Nurwarsito, Heru, Nadhif, Muhammad Fahmy.  2021.  DDoS Attack Early Detection and Mitigation System on SDN using Random Forest Algorithm and Ryu Framework. 2021 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE). :178—183.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks became a true threat to network infrastructure. DDoS attacks are capable of inflicting major disruption to the information communication technology infrastructure. DDoS attacks aim to paralyze networks by overloading servers, network links, and network devices with illegitimate traffic. Therefore, it is important to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks to reduce the impact of DDoS attacks. In traditional networks, the hardware and software to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks are expensive and difficult to deploy. Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a new paradigm in network architecture by separating the control plane and data plane, thereby increasing scalability, flexibility, control, and network management. Therefore, SDN can dynamically change DDoS traffic forwarding rules and improve network security. In this study, a DDoS attack detection and mitigation system was built on the SDN architecture using the random forest machine-learning algorithm. The random forest algorithm will classify normal and attack packets based on flow entries. If packets are classified as a DDoS attack, it will be mitigated by adding flow rules to the switch. Based on tests that have been done, the detection system can detect DDoS attacks with an average accuracy of 98.38% and an average detection time of 36 ms. Then the mitigation system can mitigate DDoS attacks with an average mitigation time of 1179 ms and can reduce the average number of attack packets that enter the victim host by 15672 packets and can reduce the average number of CPU usage on the controller by 44,9%.

Nurwarsito, Heru, Iskandar, Chairul.  2021.  Detection Jellyfish Attacks Against Dymo Routing Protocol on Manet Using Delay Per-Hop Indicator (Delphi) Method. 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT). :385–390.
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is one of the types of Ad-hoc Network which is comprised of wireless in a network. The main problem in this research is the vulnerability of the protocol routing Dymo against jellyfish attack, so it needs detection from a jellyfish attack. This research implements the DELPHI method to detect jellyfish attacks on a DYMO protocol which has better performance because the Delay Per-Hop Indicator (DELPHI) gathers the amount of hop and information delay from the disjoint path and calculates the delays per-hop as an indicator of a jellyfish attack. The evaluation results indicate an increase in the end-to-end delay average, start from 112.59s in 10 nodes increased to 143.732s in 30 nodes but reduced to 84,2142s in 50 nodes. But when the DYMO routing did not experience any jellyfish attacks both the delivery ratio and throughput are decreased. The delivery ratio, where decreased from 10.09% to 8.19% in 10 nodes, decreased from 20.35% to 16.85%, and decreased from 93.5644% to 82.825% in 50 nodes. As for the throughput, for 10 nodes decreased from 76.7677kbps to 68.689kbps, for 30 nodes decreased from 100kbps to 83.5821kbps and for 50 nodes decreased from 18.94kbps to 15.94kbps.