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Sadineni, Lakshminarayana, Pilli, Emmanuel S., Battula, Ramesh Babu.  2021.  Ready-IoT: A Novel Forensic Readiness Model for Internet of Things. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :89–94.
Internet of Things (IoT) networks are often attacked to compromise the security and privacy of application data and disrupt the services offered by them. The attacks are being launched at different layers of IoT protocol stack by exploiting their inherent weaknesses. Forensic investigations need substantial artifacts and datasets to support the decisions taken during analysis and while attributing the attack to the adversary. Network provenance plays a crucial role in establishing the relationships between network entities. Hence IoT networks can be made forensic ready so that network provenance may be collected to help in constructing these artifacts. The paper proposes Ready-IoT, a novel forensic readiness model for IoT environment to collect provenance from the network which comprises of both network parameters and traffic. A link layer dataset, Link-IoT Dataset is also generated by querying provenance graphs. Finally, Link-IoT dataset is compared with other IoT datasets to draw a line of difference and applicability to IoT environments. We believe that the proposed features have the potential to detect the attacks performed on the IoT network.