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Nazli Choucri, P.S Raghavan, Dr. Sandis Šrāders, Nguyễn Anh Tuấn.  2020.  The Quad Roundtable at the Riga Conference. 2020 Riga Conference. :1–82.
Almost everyone recognizes the emergence of a new challenge in the cyber domain, namely increased threats to the security of the Internet and its various uses. Seldom does a day go by without dire reports and hair raising narratives about unauthorized intrusions, access to content, or damage to systems, or operations. And, of course, a close correlate is the loss of value. An entire industry is around threats to cyber security, prompting technological innovations and operational strategies that promise to prevent damage and destruction. This paper is a collection chapters entitled 1) "Cybersecurity – Problems, Premises, Perspectives," 2) "An Abbreviated Technical Perspective on Cybersecurity," 3) "The Conceptual Underpinning of Cyber Security Studies" 4) "Cyberspace as the Domain of Content," 5) "The Conceptual Underpinning of Cyber Security Studies," 6) "China’s Perspective on Cyber Security," 7) "Pursuing Deterrence Internationally in Cyberspace," 8) "Is Deterrence Possible in Cyber Warfare?" and 9) "A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Interactions between Contemporary Transnational Activism and Digital Communication."