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Ambedkar, B. R., Bharti, P. K., Husain, Akhtar.  2022.  Enhancing the Performance of Hash Function Using Autonomous Initial Value Proposed Secure Hash Algorithm 256. 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT). :560—565.
To verify the integrity and confidentiality of data communicated through the web is a very big issue worldwide because every person wants very fast computing and secure electronic data communication via the web. The authentication of electronic data is done by hashing algorithms. Presently researchers are using one-time padding to convert variable-length input messages into a block of fixed length and also using constant initial values that are constant for any input message. So this reason we are proposing the autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm-256 (AIVPSHA256) and we are enhancing the performance of the hash function by designing and compuiting its experimental results in python 3.9.5 programming language.
Ambedkar, B. R., Bharti, P. K., Husain, Akhtar.  2021.  Design and Analysis of Hash Algorithm Using Autonomous Initial Value Proposed Secure Hash Algorithm64. 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :1–6.
A secure hash code or message authentication code is a one-way hash algorithm. It is producing a fixed-size hash function to be used to check verification, the integrity of electronic data, password storage. Numerous researchers have proposed hashing algorithms. They have a very high time complexity based on several steps, initial value, and key constants which are publically known. We are focusing here on the many exiting algorithms that are dependent on the initial value and key constant usage to increasing the security strength of the hash function which is publically known. Therefore, we are proposing autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm (AIVPSHA64) in this research paper to produce sixty-four-bit secure hash code without the need of initial value and key constant, it is very useful for a smart card to verify their identity which has limited memory space. Then evaluate the performance of hash function using autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm (AIVPSHA64) and will compare the result, which is found by python-3.9.0 programming language.