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Joseph, Abin John, Sani, Nidhin, V, Vineeth M., Kumar, K. Suresh, Kumar, T. Ananth, Nishanth, R..  2022.  Towards a Novel and Efficient Public Key Management for Peer-Peer Security in Wireless Ad-Hoc/sensor Networks. 2022 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN). :1—4.
Key management for self-organized wireless ad-hoc networks using peer-to-peer (P2P) keys is the primary goal of this article (SOWANs). Currently, wireless networks have centralized security architectures, making them difficult to secure. In most cases, ad-hoc wireless networks are not connected to trusted authorities or central servers. They are more prone to fragmentation and disintegration as a result of node and link failures. Traditional security solutions that rely on online trusted authorities do not work together to protect networks that are not planned. With open wireless networks, anyone can join or leave at any time with the right equipment, and no third party is required to verify their identity. These networks are best suited for this proposed method. Each node can make, distribute, and revoke its keying material in this paper. A minimal amount of communication and computation is required to accomplish this task. So that they can authenticate one another and create shared keys, nodes in the self-organized version of the system must communicate via a secure side channel between the users' devices.