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Black Hole Detection and Prevention Using Digital Signature and SEP in MANET. 2022 10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology - Signal and Information Processing (ICETET-SIP-22). :1–5.
2022. The MANET architecture's future growth will make extensive use of encryption and encryption to keep network participants safe. Using a digital signature node id, we illustrate how we may stimulate the safe growth of subjective clusters while simultaneously addressing security and energy efficiency concerns. The dynamic topology of MANET allows nodes to join and exit at any time. A form of attack known as a black hole assault was used to accomplish this. To demonstrate that he had the shortest path with the least amount of energy consumption, an attacker in MATLAB R2012a used a digital signature ID to authenticate the node from which he wished to intercept messages (DSEP). “Digital Signature”, “MANET,” and “AODV” are all terms used to describe various types of digital signatures. Black Hole Attack, Single Black Hole Attack, Digital Signature, and DSEP are just a few of the many terms associated with MANET.
ISSN: 2157-0485
Security of operating system using the Metasploit framework by creating a backdoor from remote setup. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :2618–2622.
2022. The era of technology has seen many rising inventions and with that rise, comes the need to secure our systems. In this paper we have discussed how the old generation of people are falling behind at being updated in tandem with technology, and losing track of the knowledge required to process the same. In addition this factor leads to leakage of critical personal information. This paper throws light upon the steps taken in order to exploit the pre-existing operating system, Windows 7, Ultimate, using a ubiquitous framework used by everyone, i.e. Metasploit. It involves installation of a backdoor on the victim machine, from a remote setup, mostly Kali Linux operating machine. This backdoor allows the attackers to create executable files and deploy them in the windows system to gain access on the machine, remotely. After gaining access, manipulation of sensitive data becomes easy. Access to the admin rights of any system is a red alert because it means that some outsider has intense access to personal information of a human being and since data about someone explains a lot of things about them. It basically is exposing and human hate that. It depraves one of their personal identity. Therefore security is not something that should be taken lightly. It is supposed to be dealt with utmost care.