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Deng, Chao, He, Mingxing, Wen, Xinyu, Luo, Qian.  2022.  Support Efficient User Revocation and Identity Privacy in Integrity Auditing of Shared Data. 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :221—229.
The cloud provides storage for users to share their files in the cloud. Nowadays some shared data auditing schemes are proposed for protecting data integrity. However, preserving the identity privacy of group users and secure user revocation usually result in high computational overhead. Then a shared data auditing scheme supporting identity privacy preserving is proposed that enables users to be effectively revoked. To preserve identity privacy during the audit process, we develop an efficient authenticator generation mechanism that enables public auditing. Our solution supports efficient user revocation, where the authenticator of the revoked user does not need to be regenerated and integrity checking can be performed appropriately. At the same time, the group manager maintains two tables to ensure user traceability. When the user updates data, two tables are modified and updated by the group manager promptly. It shows that our scheme is secure by security analysis. Moreover, concrete experiments prove the performance of the system.