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An Online Framework for Adapting Security Policies in Dynamic IT Environments. 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :359—363.
2022. We present an online framework for learning and updating security policies in dynamic IT environments. It includes three components: a digital twin of the target system, which continuously collects data and evaluates learned policies; a system identification process, which periodically estimates system models based on the collected data; and a policy learning process that is based on reinforcement learning. To evaluate our framework, we apply it to an intrusion prevention use case that involves a dynamic IT infrastructure. Our results demonstrate that the framework automatically adapts security policies to changes in the IT infrastructure and that it outperforms a state-of-the-art method.
A System for Interactive Examination of Learned Security Policies. NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1–3.
2022. We present a system for interactive examination of learned security policies. It allows a user to traverse episodes of Markov decision processes in a controlled manner and to track the actions triggered by security policies. Similar to a software debugger, a user can continue or or halt an episode at any time step and inspect parameters and probability distributions of interest. The system enables insight into the structure of a given policy and in the behavior of a policy in edge cases. We demonstrate the system with a network intrusion use case. We examine the evolution of an IT infrastructure’s state and the actions prescribed by security policies while an attack occurs. The policies for the demonstration have been obtained through a reinforcement learning approach that includes a simulation system where policies are incrementally learned and an emulation system that produces statistics that drive the simulation runs.