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Nightingale, James S., Wang, Yingjie, Zobiri, Fairouz, Mustafa, Mustafa A..  2022.  Effect of Clustering in Federated Learning on Non-IID Electricity Consumption Prediction. 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe). :1—5.

When applied to short-term energy consumption forecasting, the federated learning framework allows for the creation of a predictive model without sharing raw data. There is a limit to the accuracy achieved by standard federated learning due to the heterogeneity of the individual clients' data, especially in the case of electricity data, where prediction of peak demand is a challenge. A set of clustering techniques has been explored in the literature to improve prediction quality while maintaining user privacy. These studies have mainly been conducted using sets of clients with similar attributes that may not reflect real-world consumer diversity. This paper explores, implements and compares these clustering techniques for privacy-preserving load forecasting on a representative electricity consumption dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the effects of electricity consumption heterogeneity on federated forecasting and a non-representative sample's impact on load forecasting.